Sunday 16 July 2017

Kgbs Handelssystem

Unsere Werte Unsere Mitarbeiter Leading b2b Verleger, spezialisiert auf Online, interaktive professionelle Gemeinden Mit einer Reihe von Dienstleistungen, einschließlich Websites, E-Mail-Publikationen, Branchenpreise und Veranstaltungen, Sift Media liefert ursprüngliche, Marken-Inhalte auf mehr als eine halbe Million Fachleute in Buchhaltung, IT, HR Und Ausbildung, Marketing und Kleinunternehmen. Durch die Herstellung von qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten und das Engagement unserer professionellen Zielgruppen über mehrere Touch-Punkte bieten wir b2b Marken einzigartige Marketing-Möglichkeiten, die echte Return on Investment zu liefern. Unsere Werte Wir glauben an die Erstellung von Inhalten, die Konversation und die Umwandlung von Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, sowohl für unsere Zielgruppe als auch für unsere Werbekunden. Durch die Fokussierung auf Inhalte und die Förderung der Community Engagement wollen wir vertrauenswürdige und einzigartige Umgebungen für Geschäftsmarken und Business-Profis zu optimieren Beziehungen zu schaffen. Unsere Leute Unsere Leute sind unser größtes Kapital und wir hatten Glück, einige der besten digitalen Talente im Land zu gewinnen. Mit einem Hands-on-Senior-Management-Team, erfahrenen Kampagnen - und Account-Managern, preisgekrönten Redakteuren und einem führenden Produktions - und Technologieteam haben wir eine Struktur und Qualität, die uns von anderen Verlagen abhebt. Erfahren Sie mehr und treffen Sie das Team unten. Tom Dunkerley Steven Priscott Finanzdirektor, Sift Unsere Geschichte Gegründet von Andrew Grey, David Gilroy und dem derzeitigen CEO Ben Heald, Sift war es, branchenspezifische Informationsdienste anzubieten, die das Internet nutzen, indem sie traditionelle Nachrichten und Webinhalte integrierten. Mit Bens Hintergrund in der Buchhaltung war es entschieden, dass dies der erste Markt für die Exploration und so im Jahr 1997 AccountingWEB. co. uk geboren wurde. Die Formel funktionierte, und in 12 Monaten war die Zirkulationsliste von 10 auf 4.000 gegangen, wobei die Einnahmen aus Anzeigen in wöchentlichen E-Mail-Bulletins generiert wurden. Sift Media erreicht mittlerweile über 700.000 registrierte Business-Profis und liefert über 5 Millionen Seitenaufrufe über das Portfolio von 11 Titeln in Großbritannien und den USA. Nicht nur, dass wir weiterhin einige der treuesten und engagierten Online-Business-Communities entwickeln, bieten wir Ihnen führende Lösungen für Werbetreibende. Für eine ausführlichere Geschichte besuchen Sie unsere Firmensite. Wenn Sie sich einer der aufregendsten Verlage des Vereinigten Königreichs anschließen möchten und Sie glauben, dass Sie die Leidenschaft und die Fähigkeiten haben, um ein wertvoller Teil des Teams zu werden, warum schauen Sie sich unsere aktuellen Stellenangebote an. Wo sind sie jetzt LARadio Los Angeles Radio Leute, K Kompiliert Von Don Barrett dbthevine K. Bob: KFWB, 1967-68 KABCKMPC, 1992-96. Bob ist der Gm der Firma Doug Stephan. K. Ellen: KIIS, 1990-2015 KOST, 2016-17. Ellen veranstaltete morgens mit Ryan Seacrest am KIISfm bis Oktober 2015, als sie sich morgens an der Schwesterstation KOST übernahm. Sie war der Ansager auf der 2016 Academy Awards TV-Show. Sie war auch der Ansager auf den Grammy Awards, die People8217s Choice Awards, die iHeartRadio Music Awards, meine Big Fat American Zigeuner Hochzeit auf TLC und auf der CW gehackt. Ellen, der mit einem Stern auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame im Jahr 2012 geehrt wurde, geteilt, 8220I8217m geehrt und begeistert, ein Teil der 2016 Oscars-Team zu sein. Es ist ein wahres Privileg, meine Stimme zu diesem globalen Ereignis zu verleihen, das das Beste in der Kinos feiert881 K. Jeff: KACD, 1996-97. Jeff fuhr fort, middays bei quotMerge 93.3quot in Dallas zu machen. KABC Herr KFI, 1992-96 KABC, 1997-2007. Herr KABC hat KABC im Februar 2007 nach einem Vertragsstreit verlassen. Er kann nächtlich auf TalkRadioOne gehört werden. Sehe Marc Germain Kabrich. Jeanine: KABC, 1998-99 KFWB, 2000-06. Jeanine arbeitete als Southern California Media Vertreter für das US-Census Bureau. 2006 arbeitete sie bei GoTV, einer mobilen TV-Produktionsfirma in Sherman Oaks. Jeannie verfolgte einen Doktortitel An der Universität von Tennessee und lebt in Los Angeles. Kabrich Randy: KQLZ, 1989-90. Randy ist seit über zwei Jahrzehnten Radiosender. KADE Justin: KYSR. 2007-17 Justin arbeitete am Wochenende bei STAR 98.7 und im Jahr 2007 wechselte zu den Nächten, als die Station auf Alternative 98-7fm umdrehte. Anfang 2017 trat er zum SiriusXM Alt-National Channel für Teilzeitarbeit bei. Justin kam in der Southland von KMXB-Las Vegas an. Er war schon seit vielen Jahren bei ALT 987 (KYSR). Als er Anfang März 2016 die Station verließ, schrieb er auf Facebook: "Nach einer soliden 10-jährigen auf ALT 98.7 ist mir die Zeit gekommen, mich am Ende dieses Monats zu verabschieden. Ich bin nicht ausgeschoben oder gefeuert, es ist einfach das Ende meines Vertrages und alle Verpflichtungen sind abgeschlossen. 10 Jahre ist eine lange Zeit, um an einem Ort zu verbringen und um sich als spiritueller Verstärker kreativer Mensch weiterzuentwickeln, ist es einfach Zeit, diese Tür zu schließen, damit neue geöffnet werden können. Ich möchte meinen fantastischen Zuhörern, Mitarbeitern und Unterstützern danken, die ich in den letzten zehn Jahren so glücklich gewesen bin, in meinem Leben zu haben. Ich hoffe, dass Sie weiter mit mir festhalten, mit mir teilen und Spaß mit mir hier auf Social Media. quot Kae lin. Brian Kato: KLSX, 1995-96. Das Pop-Symbol erscheint selten im Medium. Er veranstaltete Auge-4-Auge. Kaestner Anne: KNX, 1976. Unbekannt. Kagan Marilyn: KFI, 1991-96 KMPCKTZN, 1996-97. Marilyn ist ein Medienberater und wird auf Hayhouseradio jeden Montagmorgen 9.00 Uhr ab 20. Oktober 2008 gehört. Ihr neues Buch kam im November 2008 mit dem Titel Defenders of the Heart und sie fährt fort, Menschen in der Therapie in Beverly Hills zu sehen. (Frank Kramer und Kevin Kiley) Kahlen. Brent: KYMS, 1969-73 KROQ, 1976-79 KNAC, 1979-81. Brent besitzt ein Unternehmen, das quittiert Turnarounds für kleine bis mittelgroße Unternehmen macht. Er verbringt Zeit bei KOCI, einem LPFM in Orange County. Kahn Chaka: KIBB, 1997. Chaka erschien auf VH-1s Divas Sendung im April 1999 singen ihren Hit, ich fühle für dich. Sie arbeitete im Jahr 1997 kurz. Kahn. Ken: KLSX, 1998. Gepaart mit Gerald Wolfe zu Gastgeber Jerrys Courtroom Deli, Kens Verbleib sind unbekannt. Kahn Larry: KNX, Mitte der 1980er Jahre KFOX, 1991 KORG, 1991 KFI, 1991-92 KMPC, 1992-95 KLSX, 1996-97 XTRA, 2003. Larry Sendungen Avenger Fußballspiele. Kalmenson Howard: KWKW, 1962-97. Howard besaß KWKW. Hes jetzt ein Partner in Lotus Communications. Im Jahr 2012 wurde er mit einem Lifetime Achievement Award von Radio Ink für seine lange Aufzeichnung der Widmung an spanischsprachiges Radio geehrt. Kalmenson Jim: KWKW, 1991-97. Jim war Geschäftsführer von KWKW, seiner Väterstation. KALUSA Ray: KSPN. 2003-06 Ray wurde im Frühjahr 2003 von der Zitadelle in Oklahoma City zum KSPN ernannt. Er verließ die All-Sports Station Anfang 2006. Ray starb an einem offensichtlichen Herzinfarkt am 21. November 2007. Er war 49. Er war auf dem Weg nach Las Vegas, um Familie für den Thanksgiving-Urlaub zu besuchen, als er geschlagen wurde. Ray, ein 24-jähriger Veteran von Radio, war pd an Zitadelle-eigenen Stationen, alle Hits 98.9 KISSfm, WWLS (The Sports Animal) und Supertalk 930 WKY (News Talk) in Oklahoma City, bevor sie in Los Angeles ankommen. Ray begann seine Karriere in Ogden, Utah als Mittagslufttalent und Nachmittagsnachrichten Anker bei KJQN. Später setzte er seine On-Air-Stint in KCPX-Salt Lake City, als Abend und Morgen Luft-Talent, plus mdapd Aufgaben. Von Utah aus fuhr Ray nach Renos KWNZ, wo er pd und Nachmittagslufttalent war. Sein erster Auftritt in Kalifornien arbeitete als mdapd und die Mittagsverlagerung bei San Diegos KKLQ (Q106) und wurde dann Musikdirektor und apd bei San Diegos KIOZ. Ein Absolvent der Universität von Notre Dame, wo er Baseball spielte, wuchs Kalusa in Chicago auf, wo er zu einem harten Cubs and Bears Fan wurde. Ich fiel auf die Knie, als ich die Nachricht hörte, sagte 8221 David Singer. KSPN Ausführender Produzent. Ich war einer meiner besten Freunde im Radio. Er war der netteste Kerl. Er ging tatsächlich zu einem Lakers-Spiel mit meinem Vater, als ich eine Nacht verbringen konnte.8221 Als David bereit war, auf einem Medienteam im Dodger-Stadion zu spielen, sagte Ray David 8220Let mir, dass ich dir irgendwelche Bodenkugeln geschlagen habe, so dass du bereit bist Tease Ray war er das Äquivalent zu einem 8216gym rat8217 an der Radiosender 8211 a 8216radio rat8217 8211 würde er dort früh kommen und nicht bis 23 Uhr nachts verlassen. Er liebte es, mit allen zu reden und allen im Haus Spitznamen zu geben. Er würde jeden unterschreiben, den er in den vier Radiosendern, die das Gebäude besetzten, konnte. Er war immer ein Kerl, der ein Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht hatte, sagte 822. John Irland. Der bei KSPN bei Kalusa arbeitete, hatte in der vergangenen Woche gerade mit Ray gesprochen. Das war ein toller Kerl, der immer positiv war, immer optimistisch. Das ist die Sache, die ich am meisten über ihn vermisse, er war einer jener Leute, die einfach keinen schlechten Tag hatten. Er war in der Lage, Begeisterung zu schaffen, und es war ansteckend.8221 John zeigte, dass es Ray Kalusa war, der ihn mit seinem langjährigen Partner Steve Mason zum lokalen Radio zurückkehrte. Nach einer langen Umwerbung mit dem Bahnhof rief ich Ray an, um ihm für das Angebot zu danken, aber das hatte ich beschlossen, ihn niederzuschlagen. Er bestand darauf, dass ich in sein Büro komme und mit ihm und John Davison zusammenkomme. Schließen Sie einfach die Verhandlung in Person. Ich stimmte zu, aber mein Verstand wurde gemacht Zu der Zeit, als die Begegnung endete, war Ray so überzeugend, dass ich meine Meinung geändert hatte und wir haben in den nächsten Jahren viel Geld zusammengetragen.8221 Steve sagte, er habe in der vergangenen Woche telefonisch mit Ray gesprochen 8216old times.8217 Ray war ein 8216radio guy8217 durch und durch. Er liebte unser Geschäft, und er brachte ihm eine anständige und angeborene Güte, die zunehmend schwer zu finden ist.8221 Steve fügte hinzu, dass Ray 8220 immer lächelte, und er war schnell mit seiner eigenen Marke von dummen G-rated Witz. Ray spezialisierte sich auf schlechte Wortspiele. Wir haben ihn oft beschrieben, weil er seiner Familie gewidmet war, und er liebte es zu arbeiten, pflegte und unterstützte Radio-Talent, nicht als Angestellte, sondern als Teil seiner Familie.8221 Steve fasste zusammen mit: 8220Dies ist ein schrecklicher Verlust Für unser Geschäft. Ray war, und wird immer, einer der 8216good guys.8221 KAMBER. Dämmerung: KSBR. 1989-2017 Der KSBR-Nachrichtendirektor hat die Nachrichten für die kommerzielle freie Jazzstation KSBR seit 1989 verankert und berichtet. Sie kann gehört werden, über Nachrichten zu informieren, die Orange County jede halbe Stunde während der Morgenfahrt und Mittags Wochentage beeinflussen. KSBR Sendungen auf Frequenz 88,5fm und im Internet KSBR. org, sowie iTunes. Dawn beherbergt auch eine halbe Stunde Public Affairs Show Collage. Die am Montagabend um 7 Uhr morgens abläuft. Ihre Journalismus-Erfahrung geht zurück, als sie in der neunten Klasse war, als sie Designerin war, und Nachrichtenschreiberin für ihre Junior High School Paper. Sie setzte die Zeitungserfahrung in der High School fort und fügte Fernsehapparat Nachrichten zu ihrem Lebenslauf hinzu, als sie über Highschoolereignisse für öffentliches Fernsehsender KLCS berichtete. Als sie weiter nach Cal State Northridge, wo sie bekam sie B. A. Grad in Journalismus, schrieb sie für die Zeitung und berichtete über den Radiosender KCSN. Sie hielt auch einen Teilzeitjob bei KLAC. In den nächsten fünf Jahren, bevor sie bei KSBR eingestellt wurde, arbeitete sie an verschiedenen kommerziellen Radiosendern in Las Vegas und Reno als News-Anker und Reporter. Kamer Steve: KHTZ, 1982-83. Steve arbeitet in New York und seine Voiceover Karriere beinhaltet: Inside Edition. ESPN Classic, NBC Sports, CBS News, Die frühe Show. WCBS-AM Newsradio 880 und die New York Yankees Kane. Allan: KMET, 1980. Unbekannt. KANNER Bob: B ob interessierte sich für Radio von der Zeit, die er auf eine hören konnte, nach der langjährigen Freundin Shaune McNamara Steele. Seine Beiträge zur Welt der Technik waren in der Tat revolutionär. Er starb am 20. August 2005 im Alter von 65 Jahren. Kanner wurde Chefingenieur von WMCA-New York genannt, während er in seinen 20er Jahren war. Dies war während der Tage der bemannten Sender. Während der Bobs-Besetzung bei WMCA beaufsichtigte er die Übertragung der Station von Musik zu einem Talk-Format. Unter seinen Entwürfen und Innovationen für die Vorträge waren viele erste - er arbeitete an der Entwicklung der 7-Sekunden-Verzögerung, die bis heute üblich ist. Er wurde in der frühen Mitte der 70er Jahre CE in KFRC-San Francisco, und schließlich zog er 1977 nach Los Angeles als Chefingenieur bei KHJKRTH. Während dieser Zeit wurde er zum Chef von Audio für die gesamte RKO-Kette benannt. Seine Arbeit an AM-Audio-Prozessoren während dieser Zeit war immer Schneide. "Viele technische Innovationen gelten heute als Standard-Rundfunkverfahren in Radiosendern im ganzen Land, 8221 schrieb Shaune. Bob wurde am 25. November 1939 in Brooklyn, New York geboren. Er war seit vielen Jahren Schinkenoperator. Er baute immer seine eigenen Schinkensätze und entsprach mit vielen der berühmten Schinken für den Tag: Barry Goldwater, König Hussein von Jordanien und andere. 8220Bob war viel mehr als ein Ingenieur8221 kommentierte Beau Weaver. Ich war ein Visionär. Bei KFRC im Jahr 1973 perfektionierte er sein Design eines Multiband-Audioprozessors, der KFRC-Sound machte, wie ein Zentimeter dick auf dem Zifferblatt war. Dieser Ansatz ist nun die Basis für fast alle kommerziellen Rundfunk-Audio-Processing-Systeme. Zu der Zeit nahm es einen ganzen Raum von drei Racks der Ausrüstung. Bob entwarf und baute auch bei KFRC, dem schönsten neuen Air-Studio-Komplex, den ich je gesehen hatte, und baute ihn um und über den vorhandenen Radiosender. Bob war ein Erbauer und Designer, der sehen konnte, wo die Technik uns bringen könnte, bevor uns kreative Typen sich vorstellen konnten. Und er war ein wirklich toller Kerl zu booten. Er war eher wie ein Schock, als, um, Sie wissen: ein Ingenieur-Typ.8217 Mit der einsamen Ausnahme von seinem KFRC-Kollegen jetzt Infinity-Ingenieur-Chef Lynn Duke. Kanner hatte keinen Peer in unserer Branche. Bob gehört im Pantheon der RKO-Ikonen wie Robert W. Morgan und The Real Don Steele. Er wird verpasst.8221 Kaplan. Gabe: KLAC, 1990-92. Gabe war an der World Series of Poker beteiligt. Kaplan . Jake: KROQJACKfm, 2005-09 KAMP, 2008-2015. Jake ist die kreative Regisseur bei AMP Radio. (Lyle Kilgore, Chaz Kelley, Herr KABC und Evelyn Kelly) Kelly. Evelyn: KFI, 1978-81 KIIS, 1986. Evelyn ist in Immobilien im West-San Fernando-Tal. Kelly Jeff: KLAC, 1985-88 KYSR, 1993. Seit 1994 ist Jeff der Wetteranker für KPNXTV-Phoenix. Kelly Jim: KFWB, 1961 KBLA. Jim ist ein Lehrer am Fullerton College. Kelly Josh: KBIG, 2000. Josh arbeitete bei der KBIG. Kelly Kidd: KWST, 1981 KFOX, 1982 KWNK, 1985. Brett Nordhoff arbeitet bei KIMN-Denver. Kelly Kurt: KLOS, 1983-87 KNXfmKODJ, 1988-90. Kurt ist in der Voiceover-Welt aktiv. (Richard Kimball, Keena, Kurt Kretzschmar und John Kentera) Kelly. Maschin Gunquot: KHJ, 1973-78 KTNQ, 1978-79 KFI, 1983 KOST, 1985 KIIS, 1987-88 KODJKCBS, 1989-92 KBIG, 1999-2000. MG betreibt MGK Conmmunications mit Sitz in Los Angeles. Hes produzieren und Hosting zwei Shows: quotMachine Gun Kellys American Hit Listquot eine 60er und 70er - 3 Stunden wöchentliche Show - und M. G. Kellys quotAmazing 80s. quot Die beiden Show sind auf über hundert Stationen zu hören. Kelly Marc: KEZY, 1971-72 KIQQ, 1972-73. Marc lebt in St. George, Utah. Kelly Margie: KWIZ, 1976-78 KYMS. Margie lebt in Mission Viejo und schreibt Bücher für einzelne Christen. Kelly Merilee: KSCA 1994-96, KYSR 1996-98. Merilee ist Programmierkoordinator für Codcomm Inc.8217s Rock WPXC 8220Pixy 1038221 und Erwachsene trifft WFRQ 8220Frank FM8221 auf Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Kelly wird on-air Arbeit, Produktion und Unterstützung bei digitalen Bemühungen zu tun. Kelly Pat: KHJ KFI, 1950-68. Unbekannt. Kelly Paul: KWIZ, 1978-82. Paul ist ein Professor in Dublin, Irland. Kelly Peter: KXLU, 1993-99. Die ehemalige gm und pd bei KXLU läuft moviemusic. Kelly Überspringen: KYSR, 2002-04. Skip ist pd bei WWJK (107.3 JACKfm) in Jacksonville. Kelly Steve: KIKF, 1993-97. Steve arbeitete für eine der Verkehrsdienste. Kelly Tim: KFI, 1998-2001. Tim, ein Teil der Tim-Amp-Neil-Show, verließ den Talker im Herbst 2001. Er war Zitat von Cabeza, produzierte Bits für Bill Handel. Tims verfolgt nicht-radiobezogene Chancen. (Christina Kelley, Steve Kelly, Tim Kelly, quotShotgun Tomquot Kelly und Gayle King) Kelly. Tim: KFI, 1978-81 KIIS, 1983 KKBT, 1989-90. Tim ist Partner und Senior Berater für All Comedy Radio. Kelly Todd: KIIS, 1999-2004 KDLDKDLE, 2004-09. Todd arbeitete nachmittags bei quotIndie 103.1quot als TK bis ein Format-Flip Anfang 2009. Hes jetzt pdradio Operationen am freigebenen Indie-Station bei moheak. KELLY Tom: KNX und KFI. Toms Unterschrift Zuordnung kam, als er begann, USC Fußball und Herren Basketball im Jahr 1961 zu beginnen. In seinen 35 Jahren mit den Trojanern, beschrieb er die Züge von vier Heisman Trophy Gewinner und erzählte die Heldentaten von fünf nationalen Meisterschaft Fußballmannschaften. Für seine Widmung wurde ihm der Tommy Trojan Award im Jahr 1987 vorgestellt, der höchste Preis der USC Athletic Department. Tom begann seine Rundfunkkarriere im nördlichen Wisconsin an einer kleinen 250-Watt-Station, wo er alles abzog. Er arbeitete bei KTTVChannel 11 und KNXTChannel 2 für fünfjährige Stationen an jedem Fernsehsender als Sportreporter. Von 1976 bis 1982 nannte er Play-by-Play für die San Diego Chargers. Hes rief die Aktion für die Los Angeles Lakers und Los Angeles Clippers. Er hat 23 Bowl-Spiele mit 16 Rose Bowls gesendet. Geboren in Minneapolis, Tom graduierte 1951 vom Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin mit einem Bachelor of Arts in englischer Sprache. Er starb am 27. Juni 2016, im Alter von 88 Jahren, nach einem langen Kampf mit Krebs. Kelly starb zwei Tage vor seinem 89. Geburtstag. Kelly kam nach Los Angeles, um Chick Hearn auf USC Fußball und Basketball für die 1961-62 Saison bei KNX Radio zu verbinden. Als Hearn das nächste Jahr verließ, um mit der Ausstrahlung der neu verlagerten Lakers zu beginnen, begann Kelly eine Southern California Broadcasting-Karriere, die den Aufruf von fünf USC National Championship-Fußball-Jahreszeiten von John McKay bis Pete Carroll beinhaltete. Kelly8217s boomende Stimme, die auf die Ebene der Aktion wurde auch in Los Angeles auf Profi-Fußball, NBA, Boxen und Golf gehört. Er gewann fünf Golden Mike Awards und den California Sportscaster des Jahres durch den AP und UPI dreimal. Kelly war die ursprüngliche Stimme des Prime Ticket All-Sport-Kabel-Kanal, als es im Jahr 1985 vor dem Fox Sports West startete. Kelly wurde in die USC Athletic Hall of Fame im Jahr 2001 und die Southern California Sports Broadcasters Hall of Fame im Jahr 2005 aufgenommen. Nachdem er beim Spielen Fußball am Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin verletzt wurde, half er mit der school8217s Radiosendungen. Seine Sendekarriere setzte sich in Duluth, Minnesota, Des Moines, Iowa und dann Peoria, Illinois fort. Der Herr segnete mich mit einer Stimme, die für die Zuhörer nicht zugänglich ist, von vielen erkennbar ist und die Fähigkeit hat, vor den Menschen zu stehen, sagte 821 Kelly in seiner Biographie 2007. Ich hoffe, ich habe es niemanden entfremdet, aber ich liebte es zu tun, was ich tat und liebte die Ausstrahlung für das Team, das ich bedeckte. Es war eine unglaubliche Karriere 8230 there8217s kein Reim oder Grund, wie ich es geschafft habe, die Stimme der Trojaner außer Glück und Glück zu bleiben. 8230 Ich weiß nicht, wie ich mich qualifiziert habe, aber I8217m dankbar. Ich genoss jeden Moment und merkte, dass ich einer der Glücklichen war.8221 (Teile dieses Obits sind von Tom Hoffarth der Los Angeles Daily News) Kelly. Tom: KNX, 1975-80. Tom wurde auch als Tom Hood bekannt, als er USC Sport auf Fox Sports West aussendet. Er ging weiter in Seattle. Hes jetzt ein Teilzeit-Ärzte Assistent in Tacoma. Er ging zur Schule zurück und studierte in der Metallurgie. "Es hat gedient, um meinen Appetit zu verdrängen und es verdreifachte mein Einkommen." Kelly. QuotShotgunquot Tom: KRTH, 1997-2016. QuotShotgunquot arbeitete Nachmittagsfahrt bei quotK-Earth. quot Im Frühjahr 2013 erhielt er einen Stern auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame. Im Frühjahr 2015 wurde er von Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters geehrt. Im August 2015 verließ er die Nachmittagsfahrt und wurde zu einem Quoten für K-EARTH. Schrotflinte beendete seine Botschaft im Winter 2016. Kelman. Lori: KFWB, 2002-08 KABC, 2016-17. Lori war ein Reporter für alle-News-KFWB, bis ein Unternehmen im Herbst 2008 verkleinert wurde. Seit dem Herbst 2016 hat sie in KABC teilzeitige Nachrichtenverankerungen gemacht. KELTON. Stan: KJLH. 1968-70 Stan war ein großer Freund zum Radio (KJLH in den späten 60er Jahren). Er starb am 12. April 2015 nach einem dreimonatigen Kampf mit Magenkrebs. Er war 63. Stan wurde in Long Beach geboren. Er liebte das Radio und er begann seine Karriere bei 16. 8220 Ich hätte früher angefangen, wenn es nicht für Kinderarbeitsgesetze gewesen wäre, sagte 8221 Stan, wenn er für Los Angeles Radio People interviewt wurde. Als er bei KJLH anfing, war die Station im Besitz des Los Angeles-Mörtels John Lamar Hill (K-John Lamar Hill) und die Studios befanden sich im Gartenzimmer von Mottell8217s Leichenhalle am 3. und Alamitos in Long Beach. Als ich nachts in der Studiomortuar arbeitete, war es aber unheimlich, aber ich wurde niemals von den anderen Bewohnern gestört.8221 Nach dem Erhalt eines B. A. Im Journalismus von USC erhielt Stan sein Jurastudium an der Loyola University in Los Angeles. Stan lebte in Huntington Beach und vertrat kommerzielle Vermieter in Südkalifornien. Zusätzlich zu seinem anhaltenden Interesse an Radio, behauptete er ein Interesse an Journalismus und lehrte Massenkommunikationsrecht jeden Sommer an der California Scholastic Press Association Journalism Workshop bei Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Stan war ein Unterstützer von SPERDVAC und kultivierte Freundschaften mit Radiohistorikern und viele unserer besten zweiten Generation von Rundfunkingenieuren, für die er großen Respekt hatte. Er half, die südlichen Californias reiche Mediengeschichte in vielerlei Hinsicht lebendig zu halten. Er war aktiv in der Kampagne, um Fullertons Fox Theatre zu seinem früheren Ruhm wieder herzustellen. 822Stan war auch mein liebster, ältester Freund, sagte 8221 Jerry Trowbridge. Der mit dieser Geschichte geholfen hat. 8220Eines der Sachen, die ich am meisten vermissen werde, ist die oft wiederholte E-Mail von ihm, die anfängt: 8216In falls du das auf der Barretts Seite verpasst hast. 82178221 (Lee Klein, Karla mit einem K, Mitch Krayton und Damon Knight) Kemp. Garth: KLOS, 1997-98. Garth meldete Wetter für KABCChannel 7 News seit Jahren. Ende 2015 trat er bei CBS TVs KCAL und KCBS ein. Kemp Guy: KWST, 1980-82 KNAC, 1982-84 KMPCfm, 1987-88. Guy hat eine erfolgreiche Voiceover Karriere. Kendall Charlie: KWST, 1978. Charlie ist der Betriebsleiter bei LM Communications in Lexington Kentucky. Hes auch das Morgentalent auf ihrer B92 Classic Hits Station. Kennedy Alton, KPSA, 1972. Unbekannt. Kennedy Kevin: KLAC, 2015. Ehemaliger Manager der Boston Redsox (1995-96) trat Kevin David Vassegh für Dodger Talk nach allen Spielen zu Beginn der Saison 2015 ein. Kennedy Jungfrau: KROQ, 1990-91 KFI, 2008-09 KYSR, 2009-14. Die ehemalige MTV vj beherbergt Reality Remix und veranstaltete die KFI-Abendshow mit Bryan Suits bis zum 30. September 2009. Sie stellte bis zum Frühjahr 2014 Features auf der KYSR (98-7) Morgenshow vor. Sie beherbergt auch eine nächtliche aktuelle Veranstaltung Talkshow auf Fox Business Network mit dem Titel 8220The Independents.8221 Kenney. Juni: KMET, 1967. Unbekannt. Kenny Tim: Tim war zuletzt gehört für Metro in Denver. Kent Tony: KPOL, 1961-69 und 1971-74. Zuletzt gehört Tony eine Station in Pismo Beach und hat seitdem verkauft. Kentera John: XERB, 2003-15. John arbeitet nachmittags an all-Sports quotMighty 1090.quot Kerby. Ed: KIIS, 1971 KROQ, 1972-73 KIIS, 1973 KWST, 1973 KDAY, 1974-94 KMAX, 1995. Ed besaß Loves Restaurant in North Hollywood. Kerdoon Randy: KWNK, 1990 KFWB, 1989-95 KNX, 2003-17. Der ehemalige wochenende sport anchor bei KTTVFox 11 sendet morgens fahrt sport an alle-News KNX. KERN Harvey: KNJOKMDYLite 92.7. 1978-98 Harvey, lange zurückgezogen, schloss seine Stimme Karriere (und wurde aus seiner Gesundheit Karriere für 17 Jahre zurückgezogen). Allerdings ist er nicht mit seiner Stimme fertig. Sie finden ihn freiwillig im Annenberg Community Beach House in Santa Monica, dem Adamson House in Malibu, dem Getty Center, dem California Science Center (Endeavourspace Shuttle) und dem Botanischen Garten der UCLA Mildred E. Mathias. Harvey lebt mit seinem Partner Ann Hayman in West Los Angeles. Harvey wurde am 1. September 1942 geboren und im Südwesten von Los Angeles aufgewachsen. Und besuchte UCLA, wo er ein Disc-Jockey auf KCLA (jetzt KLA) war. Im Juni 1964 begann er eine lange Karriere bei der L. A. County Department of Health Services. Er begann im Jahre 1972 mit dem Abitur in der CSUN. Während des Pendelns war er ein Pionier der KNX Traffic Tipster (Harvey the Road Warriorquot) für Bill Keene und Jim Thornton. Im Jahr 1978 kehrte Harvey zum Radio zurück und begann eine 20-jährige Vereinigung mit KNJO und KMDY (Comedy Radio), wo er eine Luftpersönlichkeit, Nachrichten und Sportreporter und Regisseur des öffentlichen Dienstes war. Er konnte auch gehört werden, Live-Fernbedienungen von Öffnungen unzählige Geschäfte, Theater und öffentliche Service-Fernbedienungen in Ventura County zu hören. "Ich war der Direktor für Public Affairs für das Los Angeles County USC Medical Center und seine wichtigsten Mediensprecher für die letzten neun Jahre meiner 32-jährigen Karriere mit L. A. County, bemerkte Harvey. "Ich hatte auch meine abendlichen Unterrichtsverantwortung, zusätzlich zum Radio-Gig. Radio war eine tolle, entspannende Passform und viel Spaß. Es war irgendwie, er schaffte es, in Ankündigungspflichten für Fußballspiele an der Oak Park High School zu quetschen. Wo er die Fahne des Eaglesquot von 1981 bis 1985 war. Harvey zog sich von der Grafschaft zurück und lehrte 1996 und wurde sofort die morgendliche Fahrt - später Mittag - Luftpersönlichkeit für KNJO, wo er blieb, bis er aus dem Radio im Jahr 1998 quittiert wurde Überlebte sechs Besitzungen, 13 Programmdirektoren und überlebte andere Mitarbeiter von KNJO mehrmals, er scherzte. Nach seiner Abreise wurde er mit Rollen von der Grafschaft Ventura und der Stadt der tausend Eichen als die Zitat des Conejo-Tals für 20 Jahre geehrt. Kern. Jim: KFI, 2004-05. Jim hat den Verkehr auf KFI gemeldet. (Tom Kelly, Steve Knight, Ellen K, Bob Kingsley und Howard Kalmenson) Kerr. Bob: KFI, 1960-78. Unbekannt. Kessler Steve: KGGI, 1979-87. In den 90er Jahren arbeitete Steve bei Z90 in San Diego, B95-Fresno, KFRC-San Francisco und KBGO-Las Vegas. Hes derzeit in Möbel-Marketing und Merchandising in Santa Clarita beteiligt. Kester Howard: KEZY, 1966. Howard war gm von KYA-San Francisco während der Stationen Erfolg mit einem CHR-Format. Er war gm bei KEZY und ging weiter zum Executive Director der Northern California Broadcasters Association. Howard starb 1989. Kevin Amps Bohne. KROQ, 1990-2017 Das Team arbeitet am Morgen bei KROQ. KEVIN Art: KEZY 1959-61 KFAC. 1961 KFI. 1961-63 KHJ. 1963-72 KMPC 1972-78 Kunst diente in drei Kapazitäten während bei KHJ (1963-72): Nachrichtendirektor, Public Affairs Direktor und National News Korrespondent für RKO General Broadcasting. Er, zusammen mit Ron Jacobs. War der Architekt für die Unterschrift 2020 News während der KHJ Boss Radio Days. Art Kevin starb am 15. August 2002 von Lungenkrebs im Alter von 67 Jahren. Kevin war auf RKO-Filialen, um die Nachrichten in die Nacht zu bringen, in der Nacht RFK im Ambassador Hotel in L. A ermordet wurde. Bei KMPC war er Chef-Ermittlerreporter. Er wurde Art Ferraro in der Bronx geboren. In meiner anfänglichen Tage auf Radio ethnischen Namen waren nicht erlaubt, so dass Art Kevin geboren wurde. quot Art entdeckte seine Leidenschaft für Radio bei der Arbeit bei WAVZ-New Haven. (B. Mitchel Reed war ein Jock zur gleichen Zeit.) Ich habe die ganze Nacht dj Shift und der Besitzer hat mich geschickt, um eine Schiffskatastrophe in New York Harbor zu decken. Es war der Untergang der Andrea Doria und ich wurde für immer von der Nachricht bug. quot gebissen. Bevor er zu KHJ kam, war er der erste Westküsten-Korrespondent für das UPI-Audio-Funknetz und war der erste Nachrichtendirektor bei KEZY in den späten 1950er Jahren. (Art Kevin mit seiner Frau, Jodi) 8220Art Kevin war so besonders für mich, weil seine Arbeit und sein Verhalten mich überzeugt haben, dass Id es wirklich zum großen Liga-Radio in 1965 gemacht hat.8221 sagte Jacobs. 8220KHJ hatte einen echten News-Raum mit all diesen Uhren in verschiedenen Zeitzonen und mehr als eine Teletype-Maschine. KHJ hatte einen echten Nachrichtendirektor, und das war Kunst, mit der ungefilterten Zigarette steckte er an seiner Unterlippe und seine Ärmel rollten sich auf, während er an der königlichen Schreibmaschine stirnrunzelte, in die er die Stundennachrichten schlug. Wir haben viel Zeit zusammen verbracht. Im April haben wir die Mechanik von 82162020 News8217 gegründet. Im August klingelte ich mich und bat mich, in die Redaktion zu kommen - jetzt. Wir haben geplante Pläne, wie wir mit unserer ersten großen lokalen Geschichte umgehen können: die Watts Riots. Frank Terry war auf der Bühne zuerst, auf dem Zwei-Wege-Radio von einem alten KHJ Mobile-Einheit, ein Kombi. Ich fragte ihn, was die lustigen Geräusche waren. Er sagte mir, dass es sich um Kugeln handelt, die um das Fahrzeug herumfliegen, unter denen er kroch, 8221 schrieb Ron. Im Jahr 1982 begann Art KRRIfm-Boulder CityLas Vegas, denn ich dachte immer, ich könnte es besser machen. quot Er lief ein Oldies-Format bis zum Verkauf der Station im Jahr 1995. Kunst begann bei KEZY im Jahr 1959 und arbeitete auch bei KFAC, KFI und KMPC. Kevoian Bob: KXTA, 2000-01. Bob und sein Partner Tom Griswold starteten ihre syndizierte Show bei quotXTRA Sports 1150quot am 4. Januar 2000 und die Show wurde ein Jahr später fallen gelassen. Die Bob amp Tom Show setzt sich in Syndikat fort. Sie haben in der Radio Hall of Fame im Jahr 2015. Key. Jim: KGIL, 1962-65 und 1967-69 KNX, 1969-74 KFI, 1975-78 KFWB, 1975-78. Jim war der ursprüngliche Skywatch-Pilot für KGIL. Er war der Zweite in der Nation, um vom Himmel zu berichten, hinter Kapitän Max Schumacher. Er ging zur Arbeit bei CBS News und seine Berichte auf KNX ausgestrahlt. Jim wurde auch gleichzeitig bei KFI und KFWB gehört. Er ist jetzt auf seiner kleinen Ranch im Piney Woods von East Texas zurückgezogen. Schlüssel. Austin: KLOS, 1996-2000 und 2004-05. Austin hat eine aktive Voiceover Karriere, darunter fünf Jahre mit der Mark Burnett Company. KFI. Herr SEE Herr KABC Khan. Chaka: KIBB, 1997. Chaka sang ihr Hit Ich fühle für dich bei der Divas Konzert auf VH-1. Sie erhielt 2010 einen Star auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame in der Kategorie Musik. KHOLOS Bob: KMPC. 1965 KABC. 1968. Bob war ein langjähriger demokratischer politischer Aktivist und der erste Bürgermeisterpresse für Tom Bradley. Er arbeitete in der Newsroom bei KMPC Mitte der 1960er Jahre und berichtete über die ersten Watts Riots. 1968 wurde er Reporter für KABC. Er starb am 12. Oktober 2010 im Alter von 67 Jahren. Kholos wurde Bradleys Pressesprecher genannt, nachdem Bradley 1973 zum Los Angeles-Bürgermeister gewählt wurde. Kholos diente als Mediendirektor während der Kampagne und Assistent Pressesprecher während Bradleys 1969 erfolgloses Bürgermeister gegen Sam Yorty . Geboren am 5. Oktober 1943, in Los Angeles, Kholos absolvierte Santa Monica High School und besuchte Santa Monica College. Kholos diente in der Armee in Vietnam von 1966 bis 1967 und begann für politische Kampagnen bei seiner Rückkehr zu arbeiten. Khool-Hilfe KPWR, 2000-05. Khool-Aid arbeitete middays bei quotPower 106.quot Sie ist eine aktive Kraft im lateinischen Hip-Hop und für eine Zeit Co-Hosting MTVs Wake Up Show. (Lori Kelman, Kevin quotKozmanquot Koske, Jeff K, Bob Koontz und Randy Kerdoon) Kidd. Jr. Paul: KNOB, 1968 KFWB, 1969-87 KGFJ, 1969-87 KDAY, 1984-87 KMAX, 1987-88 KACE, 1988-94. Pauls Gospel Show auf Streitkräfte Radio hat seit über 20 Jahren gespielt. Er schuf Touch of Soul Barbecue-Sauce, später umbenannt Touch of the South. Kieley Dan: KIIS, 1997-2001. Dan starb an einem Herzinfarkt am 9. April 2006. Er war 51. Dan war ein Partner in Snafu Consultants mit Sitz in Dallas. Kiernan Kathy: KNX, 1981-2013 Kathy ist ein Redakteur bei KNXNewsradio. Sie berichtet auch für 3AW in Melbourne, Australien. Kiley Kevin: KSPN, 2007. Kevin trat Anfang 2007 bei Sports KSPN ein und verließ später im Jahr. Er war mit der ESPN-Station in Dallas bis Anfang 2010. Hes jetzt morgens bei WKRK (Sports Radio 92.3 The Fan) in Cleveland. KILEY Liz: KFIKOST. 1982-89 KKBT. 1989-90 Liz ist vpaffiliations und Operationen für tr3s: MTV, Musica, y Mas. Ein Veteran der Fernseh - und Rundfunkindustrie mit umfangreicher Erfahrung in der Programmierung, Betrieb und als On-Air-Talent, bringt Liz fast 20 Jahre Erfahrung in Rundfunk und Affiliation Management zu ihrer aktuellen Position. Vor seinem Eintritt bei tr3s war Liz Vice President of Broadcast amp Radio Affiliations für MTV2, wo sie für die Überwachung aller Radio - und Rundfunkfernsehen-Zugehörigkeiten verantwortlich war. Zuvor war sie mit dem Box Music Network, wo sie in Zusammenarbeit mit Radiosendern und Broadcast-Affiliates im ganzen Land arbeitete, um das Image des Netzwerks und der Station zu fördern und zu verbessern, bis The Box im Jahr 2001 mit MTV2 verschmolzen wurde. Liz trat der The Box Music bei Netzwerk im Jahr 1994 nach dem Betrieb als Operations Manager von Los Angeles Radiosender, 92.3 The Beat (KKBT), bevor er zum Vice PresidentOperations amp Programming for Evergreen Media Corporation befördert wurde. Sie war auch Musikdirektorin und Nachtzeit Persönlichkeit von KOST 1038217s hoch bewerteten 8220Love Songs Auf dem Coast8221 Programm, wo sie die zusätzlichen Aufgaben des Assistant Program Director übernommen hat. Früher in ihrer Karriere, erwischte Kiley die Rundfunkindustrie8217s Aufmerksamkeit, indem er WABC-New York8217s erste weibliche on-air Persönlichkeit in seinen Top 40 Tagen wurde. Sie diente auch als pd von WIFI in Philadelphia und als on-air Persönlichkeit bei WPGC in Washington, DC und ist der Empfänger von vielen Industriepreisen. Kiley, ein Alumna der Klasse von 2000 Leadership Music, Nashville, diente in seinem Board of Directors für zehn Jahre und sitzt auf dem Board of Directors für den Arc of Davidson County. Kilgore Lyle: KHJ, 1966-77 KDAY, 1978 KLAC, 1983-90 KFWB, 1990-05. Lyle war ein Wochenende-News-Anker bei KFWB bis zu seinem Ruhestand. Kilgore Ron: KFWB, 1996-2002 KNX, 2005-17. Ron verbrachte 14 Monate damit, das Wall Street Journal Funknetz zu starten. Hes currently the Orange County reporter for KNX. (Garth Kemp, Todd Kelly, Ben Kelly, Jeff Kelly, and Gary Kelley) Kilman . Buzz: KLSX, 1999-2000. Buzz worked with Jonathon Brandmeier at the FM Talk station, KLSX. Kim . Jimmy: KIIS, 1993-2002 KFOXKREA, 1994-99. Jimmy is one of the most respected sources for dance and hit music. Kim . Steve: KXTA, 1999. Steve hosted a weekend boxing show at quotXTRA Sports 1150.quot Kimball . Richard: KMET, 1970-74 KWST, 1975-76. Richard is the srvp producer for The Road series for United Stations Radio Networks. He lives in the Channel Islands. Kimmel . Jimmy: KROQ, 1994-99. Jimmy won an Emmy as co-host of Win Ben Steins Money . He hosts Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABCTV. He was co-host of The Man Show on Comedy Central with Adam Carolla. He received a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2010. Kindred . Steve: KMNY, 1987-89 KFWB, 1989-2009 KFI, 2009-10 KABC, 2011-12. Steve was the morning drive financial anchor at all-News KFWB until a format flip in the fall of 2009. He worked at KABC until late 2012 and later joined Total Traffic. Steve is now a consultant for Michael Antonovich, LA County Supervisor. Kincaid . Jojo: KRTH, 2002-04. JoJo joined KRTH in July 2002 and left in late 2004. He worked at The Wolf in San Francisco until late 2008. King . Alan: KBBQ, 1960s. Unknown. KING . Amy: KFI . 201o-17. Amy got into the radio business, thanks to Mork and Mindy . according to Amy, one of the anchors at KFI. During her internship at McCoy Advertising in Medford, Oregon, she met Ralph James, the voice of Orson from the Mork and Mindy tv show, who became a mentor and helped her prepare a demo reel after college (Oregon State University at Corvallis, with a BS in Speech Communication). 8220Armed with my first demo reel, I went around to radio stations in my hometown in Southern Oregon, and told them I wanted to work for them, but didn8217t want to be a dj,8221 remembered Amy. 8220Amazingly, I got job offers from a number of stations, and accepted a co-hostnews anchor position with the 1 station in the market: Top 40 KTMT.8221 After a year at KTMT, Amy moved to Colorado and spent 4 years working at radio stations. For a change of pace she spent a year as a marketing vp for a limited stakes casino in the Rockies and she was a card dealer at night A radio station in Eugene, Oregon, KKNU 8220New Country 93,8221 offered Amy a position co-hosting the morning show for a start-up station. 8220Since the radio bug had never quite left me, I accepted and packed up once again to head back to the west coast.8221 Her next stop was nine years at KUPL-Portland. 8220I was very fortunate to join a very strong team of professionals who were a blast to work with.8221 Amy was news director and a member of the KUPL Waking Crew. Amy had a hankering to pursue voiceover work and decided to move to Southern California. 8220I truly thought I was done with radio, but had always said if the right opportunity came along, I8217d be crazy not to take a look at it,8221 reflected Amy. 8220In the fall of 2010, I happened to see an ad for a part-time news anchor on the legendary KFI in Los Angeles and decided to investigate. The long and short of it is, I got the job and am now happily back in radio and loving what I am doing I am the Saturday afternoon anchor on KFI and have been very fortunate to fill in on the Tim Conway Jr. Show, the John amp Ken Show, and the Bill Carroll Show. In addition to KFI, Amy provides weekday afternoon news anchoring at KOGO-San Diego. KING . Bill: KNX . 1982-83. Considered by many to be the best pro football radio announcer in the country, Bill broadcast over 500 Raider games. In the 1980s, preparing for retirement, his financial counselor swindled all his money. He died on October 17, 2005. He was 78. Holy Toledo was a familiar trademark cry from the longtime Bay Area sportscaster icon who was the radio voice of the Oakland As since 1981. King was behind the mike for some of the most memorable moments in Bay Area sports history. He was the voice of the Warriors from the time they moved to San Francisco in 1962 until 1983. In 1966 he began broadcasting Raiders games and stayed with that franchise to become a LARP when the team moved to Los Angeles in 1982. 8220His call of the famous 8216Sea of Hands8217 pass from Ken Stabler to Clarence Davis in a 1974 playoff, is considered one of the greatest play-by-play accounts ever,8221 according to the San Francisco Chronicle. 8220He also was at the mike for the 8216Heidi Game,8217 against the Jets, the 8216Immaculate Reception8217 by Franco Harris in Pittsburgh and the 8216Holy Rollerquot against the Chargers, three memorable moments in Raiders history. quot 8220I8217m truly saddened by Bill King8217s death,8221 wrote KGO8217s Ronn Owens . 8220He brought true class to sports broadcasting. A Renaissance man more than anyone I8217ve ever met, he could discuss opera, for example, with the same wisdom and clarity he used to explain the intricacies of the change-up. He was a joy to listen to and a joy to interview. Klasse. Above all else, class.8221 King . Dave: XPRS, 1972. Unknown. King Gayle: KTLK, 2010-11. Gayle joined afternoon drive at the Progressive Talk station in July 2010 and announced that she was giving up her syndicated show on April 8, 2011. Shes now morning co-anchor of the CBS Morning News . King . Glen: KUTE, 1965-66 KFOX, 1966. Glen is a retired professor of Radio and TV broadcasting and a successful songwriter. (Bob K, Jimmy Kim, Jhani Kaye, and MG Kelly) Koontz . Bob: KEZY, 1978-82 KRLA, 1982-84 KJOI, 1984-85 KSCAKMPCKLITEKUTE, 1985-97 KCTD, 1997 KABCKDISKLOS, 1997-2000 KABCKDISKLOSKSPN, 2000-06 KSPN, 2006-08 KFWB, 2014-16 KSWD, 2016-17. Bob left his post as KSPN station manager in the fall of 2008 and owned OC Classic Cars. In the early Fall of 2014, Bob became sports sales manager for KFWB, The Beast 980. Following the format flip at KFWB, Bob joined KSWD ( 100.3The Sound ) in sales. KORDUS . Marie: KMGX . 1985 KPWR . 1985-97, gm KLAXKFOXKREA . 1999-2001 gm. Marie came up through the sales ranks at quotPower 106quot to be appointed gm in March 1996. She was in sales at KMGX. She arrived in the Southland from WISNTV-Milwaukee where she worked in sales. Prior to that she was a sales rep for two years at WMIL and WOKY-Milwaukee. Born and raised in Milwaukee. Marie graduated from Cardinal Stritch College in Milwaukee where she majored in fine arts. She moved to L. A. and first worked as an art director on feature films and then spent a decade with Emmis-owned quotPower 106,quot eventually becoming gm. In the spring of 1998, she was offered a position as vp of sales for Emmis Television. In March of 1999, she joined Spanish Broadcasting System as gsm of KLAX and became the gm at Spanish KLAXKMJRKNJR. In the spring of 2001, Marie joined Newmark Communications as senior vp. She is now media director at Muse Communications. Kornheiser . Tony: KMPC. Tonys ESPN syndicated show appeared on 1540KMPC Sports station. Hes co-hosted Pardon the Interruption with Michael Wilbon since 2001. Tony was in the Monday Night Football booth from 2006-08. Koske . Kevin quotKOZMANquot: KQLZ, 1989-90 KIIS, 1993. Koz was doing afternoons at WTMXquotThe Mixquot in Chicago. Hes now in Joliet, Illinois. (Leon Kaplan, Sandy Kelley and Skip Kelly) KOTT . Leo. KDAY . 1979-83 KFWB KABCKLOS KJLH KACE KGFJ KTYM . After a decade-and-a-half in mostly Urban radio since 1979, Leo became a young disciple of Christianity and joined KTYM. He died December 16, 2010, at the age of 59. Born and raised in Chicago listening to WVON, WCFL and WLS, he was in his second year at Loyola University when he heard his calling to follow radio as a career. Leo was listening to Bill quotButterballquot Crane. quotHey, he sounds like me. I thought I could do radio and saw my counselor. quot The counselor guided Leo to Southern Illinois University. He was active on the campus station. After graduation in 1972 Leo joined KOWH-Omaha and started his radio journey that took him to WNOV-Milwaukee, mornings at KDKO-Denver and KVOV-Las Vegas. quot Steve Woods offered me overnights at KDAY in 1979 and that got me to L. A,quot Leo said when interviewed for Los Angeles Radio People . Leo had been with KTYM since 1995 as an announcerengineerboard-op. quotI believe that He led me here. All my other jobs were filled with negatives and I wondered when is radio supposed to be fun Im enjoying KTYM and have a long way to go, quot said Leo in the mid-90s. KOTECKI . Erin: KFWB . 1999-2004. Erin was a reporter at all-News KFWB. She is BlogHer, Inc.8217s social media strategist but is currently disabled due to Lupus. quotI am a mother of two elementary school aged kids who keep me busy, even when I have treatment. apparently basketball and karate and horseback riding stop for no disease I have a wonderful husband who tries to keep the house in order while I have an IV in my arm, and always over-do it trying to to be SuperMom. Before I got sick and long before I became a blogger, I spent ten years as a broadcast journalist in Los Angeles, Orlando and Detroit winning six Golden Mic Awards with LA news institution KFWB. I continue to blog on my personal site Queen of Spain Blog. Koz . Dave: KTWV, 2001-15. The smooth jazz artist is a guest host at quotthe WAVEquot on a syndicated show. Kozienski . Jack: KKLA, 1993. Jack hosted quotLive From LAquot on Christian KKLA. He now hosts a local tv show in Ventura. Kramer . Frank: KYSR, 1998-99 KLSX, 2000-09 KABC, 2009-10 KLOS, 2012-17. In the fall of 2000 Frank joined Frosty Stilwell and Heidi Hamilton at KLSX and left 2.20.09 with a format flip to AMP RADIO. The Triplets broadcast on KABC and left October 1, 2010. He and Heidi hosted a daily podcast until being hired to do mornings at KLOS in early September 2012. KRAMER. Jason: KCRW . 1997-17. For over 20 years Jason has been in the field of music and radio. After changing his career as a medic in the hard streets of LA for ten years, he decided to work in radio starting in 1992 on KLOS, screening calls for the widely popular quotSeventh Day. quot From that point on, Jason realized that music and radio was his calling. During his transition, he started off with a stint working for SoCal favorites Sublime and their label Skunk Records. In 1996, he moved on to Fox Sports TV as their full-time music supervisor for 6 years, which also led him as a show producer on Fox Sports Radio. He has also worked in various other aspects of music including management, radio dj, publishing, creative consulting, music photography and continues to work presently as a commercial concept music supervisor for the prestigious music company, Elias Arts. Jason, whose music collection started when he was given copies of Magical Mystery Tour and Exodus at age eight, is also sharing his music knowledge with local high school students. He has been a mentor for the Hamilton High Music Academy in a program through Fox Music and the Grammy Foundation. He started off as a KCRW volunteer in the mid 90s and has been on air since 1997 during a show called The Lab. Today Jason takes the reins of his new program every Saturday night from 10pm to 12 midnight. Kramer . Rhonda: KFOX, 1979-80 KHJ, 1980-81 KFWB KABC, 2015-17. The veteran traffic reporter worked at Shadow Broadcasting and was heard at KFWB for years. She works at KABC. Krampf . Ed: KIBB, 1997 KBIGKLAC, 1997-2000 KBIGKLACKOST, 2000-01. Ed became CBS RadioLA cluster head in March 2009 and left a year later. He owns Equitable Consulting And Representation and is representing Piolin as his business manager. Krayton . Mitch: KMET, 1969-70 KHTS, 2006-11. Mitch is with KHTS-Santa Clarita. (Ron Kilgore, Barry Kaye, Scott Keene, and Christine Schwab Kunzelman) KRAZY KIDS . KPWR . 1996-97. In the late spring of 2013, Joey Boy has been working afternoons at KZON-Phoenix. Joey Boy started his radio career at Power 106 as part of the street team with Big Boy and the Baka Boyz . 8220A fellow street team member (Johnny) and me snuck into production one evening and crafted a mock air check,8221 said Joey. 8220It circulated through the halls of Power 106 and got into the hands of music director Bruce St James . He loved our humor, chemistry and vibe, so he gave us a shot and put us on overnights and weekend shifts. Within two months, they were sold on these two young L. A.-bred Latinos and 8220The Krazy Kidz8221 was chosen to be the night show for Power 106. In 1997, they moved to KHYS Kiss 98.5 morning show in Houston, which lasted about a year. 8220After about 10 months of enjoying Rocket games, chicken fried steak and getting to witness the birth of the new 8216Down South8217 Hip-Hop movement we got called into the office manager8217s office. We experienced a second taste of the life of a radio personality8212the 8216format change82178212and were let go. Joey returned to the Southland for afternoons at KCAQ Q104.7. 8220Eventually I was given apd stripes along with the green light to hire new talent for the station. I brought on a couple of mixers and a couple of new personalities, including my old partner Johnny for nights. In 2000, Joey did his weekday show in Ventura and then flew every weekend to San Francisco for KYLD-Wild 94.9. In 2001 and for the rest of the decade, Joey and Johnny did afternoons and then mornings at KKFRPower 98.3-Phoenix. 8220I won industry awards for Best Music Director as well as local awards for Best Morning Drive. It was a great time and a great run. After nine years of surviving signal changes, morning show changes and management changes, my time was up.8221 Kretzschmar . Kurt: KMPC, 2001 KSPN, 2002-03. Kurt works at Premiere Radio Networks as Director of Affiliate Marketing. Krikorian . Doug: KMPC, 1992-93 KMAX, 1995 KABC, 2000 KSPN, 2000-05. Doug started an afternoon drive show with Joe McDonnell in late 2000 on the new ESPN Radio and exited the station in early summer 2005. He left his long-time post at the Long Beach Press-Telegram in 2011. He and McDonnell reunited briefly for an Internet show in 2012. Krishna . KEZY, 1981-84 KXMX, 2000. Krishna did overnights at quotMix 95.9quot until an ownership change in the summer of 2000. Kriski . Mark: KBIG, 2006-07. Mark hosted KBIGs Disco Saturday Nights. He is the weather anchor at KTLAChannel 5 Morning News . Kruschen . Steve: KABC, 1972. Steve started at KABC as intern and went on to become a frequent guest. He then hosted his own show on KABC called Electronic Goodies n Gadgets, one of the first tech-oriented shows in L. A. radio. Since 1992, Steve has been known as Mr. Gadget. Kube . Michelle: KFI, 1992-2017. Michelle is executive producer of the Bill Handel Show. Kucera . Bill: KJOI, 1974-75. Bill is the marketing director at Channel 9 in Salt Lake City - the Utah Education Network. Kumar . Payal: KLON, 2000-02 KKJZ, 2002-07. Payal hosted a weekend show at the all-Jazz station and she was operations manager. She left with a change of management. (Chaka Khan, Marilyn Kagan, Virgin Kennedy, and Michelle Kube) Kunzelman . Christine: KABC, 1986. Christine Schwab is an image consultant and author who has written three books. In the 1990s, she appeared frequently on Live Regis amp Kelly . Kwon . Jo: KABC, 2010-11 KFI, 2011-17. Jo is a reporter at KFI. Kyker . Bob: KFWB, 1967-84. Bob is in semi-retirement and living in Porterville. Send mail to: dbthevine with questions or comments about this website Copyright 1997 - 2017 - Los Angeles Radio People Last modified: January 3, 2017B . Christian: KSRF, 1991-92 KACD, 1997-98 KIIS, 1999-2004 quotIndie 103.1,quot 2006-09. Christian hosts a Sunday night show called Head Trip on Indie 103.1fm. B. Letty: KIIS, 2015-17. Letty started as a promotions assistant at KIISfm in 2006 and became part-time fill-in personality in early 2015. She was born and raised in LA. While attending school at Cal State Long Beach, she joined KIISfm as part of the Street Team, and eventually received a degree in Broadcast Journalism. Post-graduation, Letty held down the midday slot at stations in Palm Springs, Monterey and San Francisco before returning home to KIIS. B. Tony: KIIS, 1991-92 KPWR, 1992-96 KACD, 1996-97 KDLE, 2003. Tony worked at Dance format KDL, 103.1fm until a format flip in late 2003. B . Willie: KTNQ . 1976-78 KIIS . 1980. Willie B. Goode s tarted his career at age 13 in his hometown of Montgomery Alabama. quotI thought being on the radio might help me score a date for the prom. Only problem: that job was at a small Country station, which no one listened to8230Even ME By age 18, I lucked in to an undeserved dream job, doing afternoon drive at B100 San Diego. quot When KTNQ became the high-powered quotTen-Q, quot Willie got the call to join the Top 40 station. In 1980, he moved to afternoons at KIIS. He went on to WRKO-Boston and eight years at B104, the dominant station in Baltimore. Willie became the pd at KWOD-Sacramento. quotI left the country for a while, living in TEXAS. -).quot The 8220B8221 in Willie 8220B8221 stood for BOURBON Street (actually, he doesn8217t drink). He had an 8-year run in New Orleans. His nomadic jock journey took him to Indianapolis as pd for WNTR and later, was transferred to Memphis by Entercom. quotI was actually on several Entercom stations simultaneously: afternoon drive in Indy, Madison, Memphis, etc. quot He cites several career highlights: voted 8216 Billboard Magazine Radio Personality of the Year8217 in 1989, and several nominations for the same title with the Poe Awards. quotI appeared in an NBC Special with KISS, John Mellencamp and even George Harrison (BTW: He told me HIS favorite Beatle song was Here Comes the Sun as the winters are so long in England).quot Hes pd and morning host at KUBA-Yuba City Babcock . George: KFWB, 1961 KABC, 1973. When George passed away he was 74, besides radio, he was a building contractor, plumbing contractor and an ordained minister. At the age of 70, he decided to get his pilots license. BABCOCK . John: KDAY . 1955-57 KFWB . 1957-59 KMPC . 1959-61 KLAC . 1961-63 KABC . 1963-73. In 1970, Don Page of the LA Times named John newscaster of the year saying: quotJohn Babcock is one of radios premier commentators and a leading documentarian. quot John was born the day of the 1933 earthquake and started life as an orphan. He was shuffled between foster homes until he was adopted by the Babcock family. While he was in his delinquent teen years, John was sentenced to two years in the Boys Republic of Chino. Many years later, he became the president of Chinos Board of Directors. quotI am the first ex-student to be elected president of this risk school. quot After graduating from the University of Texas, John started out in the newspaper business and WOAI-San Antonio. He came to the Southland and started with KDAY. For part of his stay with KABC news he hosted a morning talk show. John was the California press director for Vice President Hubert Humphrey in 1968 and 1972. In 1973 John joined KABC television as a writerproducer and eventually went into news management. quotWhen I was at Channel 7s news assignment desk I could get the reporters to do four stories a day. Then it was 3, then 2 and now they think theyre doing a favor by covering one story. quot John retired in 1995 and was active writing and running the Boys school. His wife of 17 years was principal of the Dubonoff School for quotkids at risk. quot Their daughter attended the Peabody Music Conservatory in Baltimore. John died February 1, 1997, at the age of 63. Former KFWB newsman Al Wiman said unequivocally that John quotwas the best news person EVERquot Babcock . Sam: KDAY, 1962. Sam passed away December 11, 1971, of a heart attack. He was 42. BACKUS . Jim: KLAC . 1959-60. The voice of the bumbling, nearsighted Mr. Magoo was part of KLACs attempt to resurrect the quotBig Fivequot personality era from the forties and fifties. Jim died July 3, 1989, of pneumonia at the age of 76. He had suffered from Parkinsons disease for many years as the self-indulgent millionaire Thurston Howell III on Gilligans Island for three seasons beginning in 1964. One of his movie roles was playing James Deans weak-willed, vacillating father in Rebel Without A Cause . He is also remembered as the pitchman for a light bulb commercial imploring, quotDont be a bulb snatcherquot Jim was born James Gilmore Backus on February 25, 1913, in Cleveland. His stage career began in summer stock, where, according to his then-roommate Keenan Wynn, he was as well known for his prowess with the ladies as he was for his on-stage versatility. Backus continued acting in New York. vaudeville, and especially radio in the 1930s and 1940s. He was a regular on radios 8220The Alan Young Show, portraying Eastern Seaboard snob Hubert Updike III, the prototype for his character on Gilligan8217s Island . In 1949, he provided the voice of the nearsighted Mr. Magoo for the first time in the UPA cartoon Ragtime Bear the actor later claimed that he based this character on his own businessman father. Bad Girls Club . KLSX, 1995-96. A naughty Saturday evening talk show hosted by Kathlyn Kinmont and Kimberly Hooper. Kathleen is acting and seen in 1998 episode of Mortal Kombat . Kimberly is also an actress and appeared in an episode of UPNs Love Boat . (Neal Boortz, Joel Bellman, Jim Brown, Sheryl Bernstein, and Jillian Barberie) Bade . Dennis: KUSC, 1982-89 and 1991-95. Dennis works at the Los Angeles Philharmonic and hosts a weekly live concert on KMZT from the Bing Theatre at the L. A. Museum. Badeaux . Jon: KFXM, 1965-66 KMEN, 1966, KWIZ, 1967 KHJ, 1968-77 KDAY, 1978-92. Jon is works for Entercom as the traffic systems manager in the Northwest. BAILEY . Carl: KBIG . 1952-79. Carl started work for KBIG by giving over one and a half tons of his personal record collection to establish a working music library for the then-new station on Catalina Island. He broadcast for five years as 8220Mr. Big of KBIG8221 from Catalina. Beginning in the summer of 1957 he broadcast interviews from the upper deck of the 8220Big White Steamer8221 that crossed the channel from San Pedro to Avalon. Life magazine carried a photo of Carl8217s broadcast and he was made a 8220Commodore of the Port of Los Angeles .8221 He has a commemorative plague on Avalon. In the mid-1960s he switched to news. He had to retire from broadcasting just shy of his 50th anniversary following a stroke that damaged his motor reflexes. Bailey . Duane quotDocquot: KLIT, 1989-94 KEZY, 1996-98 KBIG, 1998-2012. Doc was the production director at MYfm (KBIG) until Clear Channel downsizing in late 2012. BAILEY . Steve: KMPC . 1951-95. Steve was director of the Golden West sports operations. Born in Logan. Utah in 1925, he was a color commentator and producer of sports projects at KMPC for decades. He started at KMPC as a record librarian. Steve worked with such popular sportscasters as Bob Kelley and Dick Enberg, and produced game broadcasts of the Pacific Coast League L. A. Angels, California Angels, Rams and UCLA. He was briefly the announcer of the California Angels but his strength was behind the scenes. He began his career in 1946, moving right out of college to go to work in his hometown of Logan. When he joined KMPC in 1951, he immediately was taken under the wing of the late Bob Kelley - the sports voice of Southern California and play-by-play man for the Rams. In 1995 Steve produced an award-winning documentary on the broadcasting career of the late Jim Healy . He died November 24, 1995, of complications following treatment for lymphoma. He was 70. Sports announcer Dick Enberg reflected for Larry Stewart in the LA Times . quotSteve was a producer before there were producers. He worked behind the scenes, but he was a real giant in the business. quot Bain . Jim: KWIZ, 1965-69 and 1974-79 and 1981-85 KIQQ, 1973 KEZY, 1988 KGIL, 1998-2000. Jim does fill-in at the Adults Standard format at Westwood One. Baird . Jon: KNX, 2007-17. Jon is a reporter at KNX. Baisden . Michael: KKBTKRBV, 2006-07. Michaels syndicated show started at the BEAT in late Spring 2006 and continued to the format change and identity of V-100. (Jeff Baugh, Jeff Biggs, Eric and Nick Vidal Baka Boyz, and Joseph Benti) Baka Boyz . K PWR, 1993-99 KKBT, 1999-2000 KDAY, 2005-07. Eric and Nick Vidal moved to Miami in early 2003. They work morning drive at XMOR-San Diego. Baker . Cory: KGBS, 1978-89. Cory worked for the High Desert 9899 station until late summer 2009. Baker . Dave: KGILKMGX, 1990-92 KTWV, 2010-11. Dave is production director at quot91Xquot in San Diego. Baker . James: KBIG, 1999-2001. James was pd at quotStar 101.3quot in San Francisco until November 2006. He is now the FM Supervisor for Saudi Aramcos radio stations in Dhahran. Baker . Pam: KFWB, 1998-2000 and 2001-2004 KRTH, 2004-05 KKBT, 2005-06 KHHT, 2008-09. Pam is an AE at KTWV and KRTH. Baker . Todd: KZLA, 1999 KBIG, 1999-2001 KKGO, 2007. Todd works mornings at WKQC-Charlotte. Baldwin . Mel: KNX, 1951-66 and 1980-91 KNXfm, 1971. Mel is living in Florida where he races small remote control boats. BALLANCE . Bill: KNX . 1952-55 KFWB . 1955-65 KGIL . 1966 KGBS . 1969-73 KABC . 1974-77 KWIZ . 1977. Born Willis Bennett Ballance, quotBilloquot and a graduate of the University of Illinois, Bill worked at KOA-Denver and WBKBTV-Chicago in the early 1950s. One of the original quotSeven Swingin Gentlemenquot when KFWB went quotColor Radioquot in 1958, Bill worked mostly evenings. Bill went to Denver and San Francisco following KFWB where he had impressive success. He then went to Honolulu8217s KHVH, was later pd of KGMB and then returned to the mainland to KNBR-San Francisco. Bill suddenly skyrocketed when he converted the routine rock-jock formula at KGBS into the quotFeminine Forum. quot His most lasting claim in Southern California radio was that he was the first to openly address sexuality, issues of sexual intercourse and sexual preference. By 1972 his quotFeminine Forumquot was syndicated in a number of major cities, simulcast in San Diego and he won the Gavin award that year. Bill gave the phone lines over to the ladies and listened. He wouldnt even call them housewives. They were women in Bills mind - educated and intelligent - and he treated them that way. Between calls, he played the hits. Bill was profiled in every major publication in the country, as well as the London Times and a Cosmopolitan cover story. Time magazine said, quotBill has many imitators, but no rivals. quot In March 1973, a front-page story in the Times reported that executive vp of Storer Broadcasting, Peter Storer, felt that the image of Bills program had been quotcolored and damaged by less-restricted imitators. quot As a result, it was announced that the program would be dropped. The FCC eventually concluded his show was quotnot obscene, quot but it was too late. For all the attention his show attracted, Bill did it with taste. He knew the line not to cross, but his copycats didnt, and Bill got the blame, never getting true credit for his bold, sex-oriented broadcasting. His brilliant command of the language prevented his KGBS show from being dirty. His show was a lot like the old girlie magazines. It wasnt total nudity - it showed just enough to make it tantalizing. His tome, Bill Ballance Reveals How to Cope . had five printings. In 1978 he moved to KFMB-San Diego, where he worked until departing in the summer of 1993. Bill died September 23, 2004, at the age of 85. Ballance . Lance: KOST, 1989-98 KBIG, 1998-2002. Lance broadcasts from WXLO-Worcester, Massachusetts and is heard on stations around the country, including KBBY-VenturaOxnard. Ballou . Rick: KCTDKMPC, 2000. Rick worked evenings at quotO ne-on-Onequot sports. (Chris Booker, Jodi Becker, Brian Barnhart, and Andy Barber) Barnes . Jeff: KCXX, 1999-2002. Jeff worked all-night at the Inland Empire station. Barnes . Hoss: KBBQ, 1968-71. Hoss has his own ministry called Encouragement in Christ. Barnett . Russ: XTRA, 1960-62 KMPC, 1963-72 KABC, 1972-73. Russ worked at KLIF-Dallas and when Gordon McLendon (owner of KLIF) turned XTRA into the world146s first all-News station in 1960, he tapped Russ as manager for the launch. On New Years Day 1963 Russ joined KMPC as pd and was named Program Director of the Year by Gavin. quotFrom the time I was a young guy, I felt that if I could go on the air and add a few smiles to the lives of my listeners through my rather corny sense of humor and make enough money to support my family, I146d be well pleased with my contribution to life. Know what I am. quot At his memorial, the Count Basie band played in honor of Russ. Russ died October 16, 1998, at the age of 69. Barnhart . Brian: KMPCKRLAKLAC, 1998-99. Brian was part of the Anaheim Angels broadcast team. Hes now the play-by-play voice of the University of Illinois football and basketball teams. Baron . George: KSRF, 1965-71. George was the original general manager of the Santa Monica-based station. He died November 14, 1997 at the age of 72. K-SURF had gone on the air at 103.1fm in 1960 with a Beautiful Music format, broadcasting from a tower at Pacific Ocean Park, an amusement park located on the Santa Monica Pier. The station eventually switched to adult contemporary. In 1967, Baron hired Jerry Hahn, who had been working at KLFM (now KBUE) in Long Beach. Baron had an exhaust fan installed in the broadcast booth so Hahn didnt have to give up smoking cigars while on the air. Barons son Craig began working at KSRF in the mid-70s and eventually took over management. Barone . Don: KIEV, 1972. Unknown. BARONFELD . David: KLAA . 2011-14. David was the general manager at the Angels flagship station, KLAA. He left the station in June 2014. Baronfeld, a graduate of Hofstra University, began his radio career at the age of 18 in New York City and moved into sales at 27. At age 34, he was appointed to his first senior management position as gm at KSJO-San Jose. He went on to spend nearly 10 years at Westwood One as Senior Vice President of the Western Region, overseeing 19 cities in the western half of the United States. For three years before joining KLAA, Baronfeld served as general manager of Viamedia, a cable television ad sales rep firm, and built the advertising sales unit for Verizon FiOS TV in Southern California. Barragan . Jaime: KYMS, 1993-95 KLOS, 1995-96. Last heard, Jaime was working in the Inland Empire. Barreto . Pepe: KALI, 1977-85 KLVE, 1985-2001 KXOL, 2004-07. Pepe anchored the very successful Spanish morning drive slot on quotK-Love. quot Born in 1947 to Peruvian parents, he and his wife moved to California in 1972 and started as a dj in San Francisco. He came to the Southland in 1985 to work at KLVE and KVEAChannel 52. Pepe works mornings at KXOL. He received a Star on Hollywood in Spring of 2004. (Bob Buchmann, Gary Bryan, Barbara Barri, and Guy Black) Barrett . Dickie: KDLDKDLE, 2005-06. Dickie, the announcer on the ABC Jimmy Kimmel Show . started doing mornings at quotIndie 103.1fmquot in late January 2005. He left in the spring of 2006. Barrett . Don: KIQQ, 1971-73. Don was the publisher of LARadio until shutting down in the summer of 2015. He was the radio columnist for the Orange County Register i n 2013 . Barrett . John: KRLA, 1961-69. John is partnered with Norm Epstein in a travel-related marketing firm. Barrett . Rona: KFWB, 1985. Rona is living in the Santa Ynez Valley and heads the Rona Barrett Foundation. Barri . Barbara: KZLA, 1979-93. Barbara is doing voiceover work. Barry . Bill: KMPC, KZLA KOST KGIL, 1984-92. Bill hosted The Channel 5 Theatre on KTLA from 1971 to 1981 and the weekly Pinbusters show. Bill was a reporter with Shadow Traffic in Los Angeles at the time of his death in October 1993. He was 50. Barry . Lee: KRLAKTIE, 2007-16. Lee reporteds traffic and news from AirWatch for KRLA and KTIE. Hes now doing overnight news at KRLA. Barry . Thom: KLAC, 1987-93. Thom is a successful on-camera commercial actor. (Rich Boerner, Rona Barrett, Michelle Boros, and Erik Braverman) Bartel . Dennis: KUSC, 1975-80 KUSC, 2007-17. Dennis, aka James Bartel, works mornings at KUSC, after fourteen years on-air at WGMS-Washington, DC. Previously he was the founding program director and an on-air personality at WJHU-Baltimore (1986-1990), and dj at WQED-Pittsburgh. His book of short stories Voyeurs was published in 2006. It contains two stories set at radio stations. His second book, High8217d Up, was published in 2015. Barth . Paul: KWIZ, 1971-74. Last heard, Paul owned a station in Redding, California. Bartholomew . Casey: KFI, 1994-99. Casey and Scott Hasick worked mornings at KTRS-St. Louis until the Spring of 2006. Casey is the program director for WFSX 92-5 Fox News, in Fort Myers, Florida. Bartley . Dick. Dick hosts a number of syndicated Oldies programs. Bass . Dick: KMPC, 1976-87. Last heard, the former Ram running back was the customer relations executive for a trucking firm, ICX. Bastida . Don: Don was director of ops at TotalTraffic for Clear Channel until the spring of 2012. Hes a screenwriterproducer. Bastien . Brian: KPOL KFWB, 1968-77 KBIGKBRT, 1977-80 KFWB, 1980-83. Brian has an active voiceover career and he teaches karate. (Jonathon Brandmeier, Foster Brooks, and True Don Bleu) Batchelor John: KFI, 2008-09 KABC, 2009-10, Johns syndicated show was carried on Sunday nights until late 2009. He was heard briefly on weekend nights at KABC. Bauer . Jacque: KWIZ, 1980-82 KIQQ, 1981-82 KBRT, 1982. Jacque works for a promotion company in South Bend. Baugh . Jeff: KFWB, 1986-2008 KNX, 2008-17. Jeff is an airborne traffic reporter at all-News KNX. Baxter . Ed: KROQ: KMPC KIIS. Ed works morning drive at KGO-San Francisco. Baxter . Danny: KDAY KRLA, 1964-65 KHJ, 1968 KGBS, 1969. Danny is retired and lives in Las Vegas. Baxter . Dennis: KCAA, 2004-09. Dennis left morning drive at the Inland Empire station, KCAA, in 2009. He also worked as news anchor and in his final year was general manager. Baxter . Frank: KRLA. Frank headed quotOak Knoll Broadcasting, quot the non-profit group that operated KRLA between licenses. During the 1950s, the professor of English at USC, produced Shakespeare on TV . which won seven Emmy Awards. He starred on a PBS series as quotDr. Science, quot explaining science to children. He died on January 18, 1982. He was 85. Baxter . Gene: KROQ, 1990-2017. Gene, as Bean, is part of the Kevin amp Bean morning team at KROQ. BAYLEY . Lee: KIQQ . 1978-80, pd. If you grew up in Tulsa in the 1960s, you knew Lee Bayley. He was the morning host on Top 40-radio station KAKC. He also hosted Dance Party on Channel 6. 8220He was a small-town kid raised in Sam Waltons backyard,8221 wrote Bob Shannon in RampR . 8220Lee met his only wife in second grade and never lost her. In his 40 years in our business hes had only seven jobs, has never been fired and, in the last 18-years of his career, has quietly consulted. He was a morning man with a 60 share, one of the guiding forces of 24-hour syndicated programming, and someone who worked so closely with Bill Drake that when they parted company, Drake was brought to tears.8221 Lee Bayley died February 17, 2013. Before coming to L. A. Lee started radio at the age of 15 in Arkansas. He was the morning man for Armed Forces Radio and TV in Panama. Upon leaving the Army he became pd and worked morning drive for KAKC-Tulsa, where he first met Bill Drake. Beginning in 1971, Lee moved to L. A. as vp of programming for Bill Drake and DrakeChenault. The company programmed over 300 stations across the country with five different formats. Lee joined KIQQ in 1978 as pd and left for Dallas to be gm of Disney8217s TM Programming in 1980. He formed his own consultancy in 1981. Bayley retired in west Texas in early 2000s, but his daughter said he was still active, emceeing community events and serving as a volunteer firefighter. Barrazo . Miguel: KPWR, 2006-07. Miguel started evenings at Power 106 in the fall of 2006. Beach . Sandy: KDAY, 1970-71. When Sandy left radio, he founded Rogers Sound Labs. BEACH . Sandy: KROQ . 1977. Sandy, nee Brad Sobel, died April 19, 2007. He was 54. He was rembered by Darrell Wayne . quotBrad was one of the first people I met after joining KROQ in September of 1976. He was instrumental in putting both KROQ AM and fm back on the air that year on a shoestring budget, and worked the first several months of his morning air shift driving up and down the fire roads of Glendale every day. Brad made headline news with L. A. pirate K-POT and the FCC raid that put it off the air. After his stay at KROQ (back then it WAS a station someone would leave), Brad spent many years working engineering and technical consulting in the LancasterPalmdale area, where he oft times spoke of living his dream in a ranch-style environment, raising horses and radio towers, including LPFM KFXM in Lancaster. Brad was always upbeat and friendly and attended the KROQ reunion I organized in 2001.quot Beasing . Dave: KXEZ, 1993-95 KYSR, 1995 and 1996 KRBVKSWD, 2008-17. Dave was appointed program director of the new Bonneville station (100.3fm The Sound ) in the spring of 2008. (Dave Benoit, Les Beigel, and Levi Booker) Beasley . Dave: KGFJ, 1973-74. Unknown. Beaton . Fred and Bill: KIEV, 1961-98. The Beaton brothers owned KIEV until selling the station to Salem Communications in 1998. Beck . Glenn: KIISAM, 2001-02 KMXEKLAA, 2006-07 KGIL, 2009 KRLA, 2010-12 KEIB, 2014-17. The syndicated host joined Orange Countys 830AM in late summer of 2006 and went on to KGIL briefly. He worked morning drive at Salems KRLA until April 2012. Hes now heard on 1150 AM, The Patriot. Beck . Ken: KIQQ, 1976-78 KMPC, 1978-82 KFI, 1982-83 KFWB, 1988-92. For over a decade Ken has held various executive posts at Entercom. Hes based in Seattle. BECK . Thom: KRLA . 1966-70 KIIS . 1970-72 KBBQ . 1972 KGFJ, 1972 KRLA . 1974-76 KFI . 1980. Thom was one of the founding members of the nationally acclaimed and highly innovative satirical news group, quotThe Credibility Gapquot in 1968. He narrated the popular quotPop Chroniclesquot in 1969, a weekly series that chronicled popular music from the mid-1950s to 1969. In the early 1980s, Thom worked evenings at KIIS when it was MOR. He also hosted a midday jock show at KRLA. He returned to his roots in Texas and taught acting. Thom died a few years later of a heart attack. Becker . Jodi: KFI, 2005-09. Jodi was part of the KFI news department until late spring 2009. She returned to Wisconsin to get married. She left WTMJ-Milwaukee in May 2015. (Sam Babcock, Boyd R. Britton, Mike Bell, James Bartel, and Willie B) Bee . Ron: KRLA, 1980-89 KLACKZLA KBLA. Ron works for the Asian station in L. A. KBLA. Bee . Tommy: KBLA, 1957-64 KBCA, 1966-84. Tommy has passed away. BEEBE . Richard: KRKD . 1958-59 KRLA . 1959-70, nd KPPC . 1971-72 KRLA . 1981-85 and 1991-94 KGIL KMET KABC KMNY . Best remembered as a co-founder and member of the nationally acclaimed and highly innovative satirical news group, quotThe Credibility Gap, quot Richard had a relationship with KRLA that lasted over five decades. Richard passed away August 29, 1998, at the age of 68. Richard was born in Pasadena and raised in Alhambra. He started his radio career in 1949 working as a djnewsman in Santa Fe and then went to Globe, Arizona before joining the Air Force. He was assigned to the base radio station at Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport. Following his discharge, Richard attended Pasadena City College and the Pasadena Playhouse and graduated with a B. A. in theater arts. One of his classmates was Dustin Hoffman. While waiting for his quotbig breakquot he worked in the freight yards of downtown Los Angeles and did relief work at KRKD. He was in a repertory company with Dyan Cannon when he was hired by KRLA. It was 1959 and Canadian millionaire Jack Kent Cooke had just purchased KRLA. Richard remembered his instructions from Cooke when he started doing morning drive news: quotI want it as fast as you can go and make it exciting. quot Morning man Emperor Bob Hudson syndicated quotThe Emperorquot idea and soon there were 8220Emperors8221 in cities across the country. Each station received custom promos featuring Richard as Colonel Splendid and Casey Kasem as Lt. Cavendish. As a news alternative, the award-winning 8220Credibility Gap8221 was an irreverent presentation reflecting the volatile political landscape of the late 821660s and early 821670s. In June 1971, the 8220Gap8221 group moved to KPPC. They went on to record four albums ( An Album of Political Pornography on Blue Note Woodschtick and More on Capitol, A Great Gift Idea on Reprise, and The Bronze Age of Radio on Warehouse) with Richard as co-writerperformerproducer and they toured college campuses. The group broke up in the mid-seventies and Richard returned to radio news. Beigel . Les: KFWB, 1967 KBIG, 1968 KLAC, 1969 XPRS, 1973 KGBS, 1974-78. Les did voiceover work for a tvradio production facility. He passed away April 28, 2012 of lung cancer, at the age of 69. Beiler . Ed: KWIZ, 1973 KABC, 1973-76 KIEV, 1976 KGOE, 1978-79 KGIL, 1986 KABC, 1989-90 KIEV, 1994-96 KWNK, 1996. Ed was known as quotSuperfanquot and was last heard in Kansas City. Beirne . Brian: KRTH, 1976-2004. From 1985-87, Brian was the entertainment reporter for Channel 11. He left the legendary Oldies station on December 15, 2004. He is a concert promoter of groups from the early Rock era. Bell . Art: KABC, 1995-2000 KFI, 2001-02 and 2003-07 KABC 2015. Arts syndicated show aired from 10 p. m. to 4 a. m. nightly on KFI. He retired at the end of 2002 and in early Fall of 2003, Art returned to Premiere for weekend syndicated work. An Internet show was carried on terrestrial radio, including KABC, briefly before he abandoned the project due to family threats. Bell . Mike: KROQ, 1988-89. Mike live afternoons on 98.5 The Fox in Bakersfield and voice tracking afternoons at Country KTPI in LancasterPalmdale. Bell . Tom: KACD, 1997 KSSE, 1997-2005-06. Tom was gsm at KSSE and left in late 2006. Bellamy . Sam: KMET, 1974-83 KMPCKEDG, 1987-89. Sam lives in the San Fernando Valley. Bellman . Joel: KBIG, 1987. Joel was press deputy to LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky. Hes now retired. Bemis . John: KFMU, 1964-65 KLFM, 1965 KFOX, 1965-66 XEGM, 1966-68 KGFJ, 1968-73 KWIZ, 1972-74 KUTE, 1973-74. John lives in Lake Havasu City, Arizona and has a career in real estate. Bender . Aron: KFI, 2007-17. Aron is the morning news anchor at KFI. Bender . Marty: KROQ. Marty is program director at WSHE-Chicago. (Casey Bartholomew, Mike Butts, Corbett Brattin, Cindi Burkey, and Bob Borquez) BENEDICT . Chuck: KLAC . 1963-69. Chuck, a charter member of the Southern California Sports Broadcasters Association and a two-time president of the organization, died at his home in Glendale on November 9, 2002. He was 83. quotI never got to be great, but I sure was fortunate to have worked with great peoplequot Thats the way the folksy conversation started in 1997 with the man who was quot Joe Pyne on KLAC Fridays. quot (Joe worked a four-day week for a reported 2,000 a week and Chuck worked the fifth day.) Born April 17, 1919, in Woodside, Maryland, he grew up in South Carolina, where he played high school baseball. Chuck was the son of a talented family. His mother, Margaret, was active in the early days of network radio and his father was a poet and athlete. Being around some of the greats like Arthur Godfrey sparked his fascination with radio. Chuck started in radio in 1934 while in high school at WIS-Columbia, South Carolina. During and after World War II, he was active in Armed Forces Radio. quotI got fired from more jobs - which was beautiful. I got to travel and meet more interesting people as a result of moving around. I had a ball, quot Chuck told me while being interviewed for Los Angeles Radio People . Through a varied career, Chuck had been a sports commentator associated with the L. A. Rams, for 40 consecutive years. He wrote 23 sports annuals for Petersen Publishing during the 1970s and free-lanced with the 700 Club and Christian radio. Chuck was in charge of the Heisman Trophy Award voting in the 12 Western states and he worked with Tom Harmon. He was a sports anchor at KTTVChannel 11 from 1964-70 and was a charter member of the Southern California Sports Broadcasters Association and served as its president for four terms. He was the first general chairman of the SCSBAs annual Hall of Fame awards luncheon. Over the years, Chuck has made more than 2,500 speeches on the personal appearance circuit. Since 1990 Chuck has written a twice-weekly column for the Glendale News-Press . He was always a master storyteller who always seems to be in the right place. Chuck was in the underground Summa headquarters the day Howard Hughes died. quotHughes died on an airplane between Acapulco and Houston. A recluse, he never had been in his own underground Summa office. quot Chuck broke the story. 8220 Chuck Benedicts departure from this planet is everybodys loss,8221 wrote Jim Hawthorne .8221 He and I worked together during my early years in broadcasting, and his never failing willingness to contribute to the end result reflected his loyalty and drive to achieve success. In recent years we have had a continuous email correspondence and his attitude was just the way it was in those beginnings - always upbeat and positive. Damn, I will sincerely miss him8221 BENNER. Michael: KNAC . 1975-76 KWST . 1976-77 KLOSKABC . 1977-87 KLSX . 1990-95 KPFK . 1995-2003 KCBS . 1997-2001 KPFK . 2001-07. Michael heads a stress management company based in Los Angeles. He belongs to the part-time faculty of Rancho Santiago Community College to teach Emotional Intelligence to the Orange County Sheriffs Department. A graduate of Michigan State University (1970) with a B. A. in television and radio management, Michael spent four years in Detroit radio before arriving in the Southland. Though hes worked as a dj and newsman, he is best known for his popular talk radio programs. Some excerpts from local press on Michaels show: quot. a kind of Norman Vincent Peale of the Left. quot quot. a no-cream-please burst of enlightenment and inspiration. quot quot. I have never heard a more enlightening, informative program. quot In 1987, Michael started a stress management and personal development company for individuals, couples and business. Also a federally licensed amateur radio operator, N6IJR, Michael volunteers with the American Red Cross, the City of Glendale. and Glendale Chamber of Commerce in Disaster Preparedness. Michael lived on Maui for five years and returned to the mainland in 2012. (Irma Blanco, Art Blaske, Brian Bastien, and John Butler) Bennett . Beau: KIISAMKXTA, 1997-98. Last heard Beau was pd for a station in Boise, Idaho. Bennett . Chuck: KFI, 1963-69. Unknown. BENNETT . Frank: KNAC . 1975-78 KWST . 1978-80, KROQ 1980-83. Frank went on to do afternoons and production at KOME-San Jose from 1985-94 and then KFOX-San JoseSan Francisco until 2001. Frank became Frances and is now a multimedia web developer for a Silicon Valley based high-tech multinational corporation, working from her home in the lakehill country above Austin. Her website is auntfran. Bennett . Matt: KFOX, 1982. Unknown. Bennett . Mike: KFI, 1984 KIKF, 1985-88 and 1992-93 KYSR, 1993-96 KBIG, 1996-98. SEE Mike Carlucci Bennett . Myron: KABC, 1960. Unknown. Benoit . Dave: KMZT, 2011-12. The five-time Grammy nominated composer and pianist, David has had an expansive career as a contemporary jazz pianist that has included over 25 charting solo recordings. He is the on-going conductor of the Asia America Symphony Orchestra. David works afternoons at quotK-Mozart. quot BENOIT . Sharon: KMPC . 1969-74. Sharon was a publicity whiz during the glory years at 710KMPC in the 821660s and 821770. She later became a trade publication executive. Sharon died July 20, 2010, at the age 63, from cancer. She was very active in her church and community and spearheaded numerous fundraisers. Friends in her La Canada church loved to hear her tell stories of working at KMPC, which was known as 8220The Station of the Stars.8221 They would marvel at what a great storyteller she was. Michael Nash shared memories of Sharon at her Celebration of Life. They both were hired as teens at 710KMPC and remained lifelong friends. 8220We had the greatest playground in which to learn and grow,8221 said Michael. 8220The thing we remember best about Sharon was that effervescent smile, eyes that served as a welcoming beacon to one and all, and the laughter that echoed throughout the hallways of the radio station. She was genuine, which was a rare quality in Hollywood. It didn8217t take long to realize that once embraced by Sharon you would be able to count on her loyalty forever.8221 8220She participated in a great deal of charity work in the past few years. What I will remember most is her love of life and a smile that wouldnt quit. There were no shades, either, behind her eyes - they would absolutely glow when in the company of those she loved, and the combination of the two was hard to resist. You had to feel good just being around her. She was close to all the KMPC heavyweights, Gary Owens . Wink Martindale and Roger Carroll .8221 Benoit . Steve: KNNS, 1995-96 KNX. Steve is sales manager of Universal Mail amp Courier in Van Nuys and is part of Shadow Traffic. BENSON . Don: KIIS, 1981-82. Dons legacy in Los Angeles radio was hiring Rick Dees to do mornings on KIIS. Don left February 22, 1982, to rejoin WQXI-Atlanta and later became a consultant with the BurkhartDouglas firm working with various CHR, Hot AC and AC stations. Don is president of the radio division at Jefferson-Pilot. A graduate of Vanderbilt University, Don first joined WQXI AMFM as a programming assistant in November of 1974 under the tutelage of Scott Shannon . He rose quickly to assistant program director and in 1977 was promoted to program director of WQXIfm. He changed the format and identity it became Top 40 94Q. In 1979, Benson left, however WQXI lured him back in 1992, this time as operations manager. In 1994, Jefferson Pilot hired Don for the newly created position of corporate vp of programming amp operations later he became senior vice president. In 2006 Jefferson Pilot merged with Lincoln Financial to become Lincoln Financial Media. In 2008, Benson was promoted to his present position, president and chief executive officer, based in Atlanta. Benson currently serves as a member of the Broadcast Advisory Board for the Associated Press and as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Radio Advertising Bureau. He also currently represents the top fifty continuously-rated radio markets on the Arbitron Advisory Council. Don was named to Radio Ink 8217s list of 8220The 40 Most Powerful People in Radio.8221 Benson . Gordon: KGIL, 1965-66 KEZY, 1966. Unknown. BENSON . Sam: KLAC . 1947-84. For almost four decades, Sam (Bensussen) was the only constant through management, ownership and format changes. He saw it all from the legendary quotBig 5quot djs to Joe Pyne to quotFuture Fonic Sound, quot Haynes at the Reins and the transition to a Country format. Sam passed away on November 12, 2012, at the age of 90. Sam was director of publicity, public affairs, and promotion. The native Angeleno spent his entire life in California except for a stint in the Air Force (where he met his wife Dorothy). After Los Angeles City College, Sam worked for KIEV and KVEC-San Luis Obispo and after his military commitment, he returned, ironically, to both KVEC and KIEV before joining KLAC. In 1984 Sam was editorial director for KTTVChannel 11 and retired in 1987. For a couple of decades, Sam worked public relations every September for the Los Angeles County Fair. How did he survive for almost 40 years with KLAC quotI was the only guy willing to do the job. Before deregulation, there was plenty of public affairs material that had to be prepared at license renewal time. I bobbed and weaved. I always had a pencil behind my ear and I moved down the hallways on my way to a very important meeting. It was difficult to hit a moving target. quot Sam was born on February 1, 1922 in Los Angeles to Turkish immigrants. He grew up near the Coliseum and USC, graduating from Freemont High in 1940. He cherished his years at Freemont and helped spearhead his annual class reunions through the 60th and beyond. Benson . quotUnclequot Joe: KLOS, 1981-94 KLSX, 1995-96 KLOS, 1996-97 KCBSfm, 1997-2005 KLOS, 2005-13 KSWD, 2013-17. Joe left the Classic Rocker quotArrow 93quot in March 2005 following a format flip and started afternoons at KLOS in late spring. Joe was moved from afternoon drive at KLOS to weekends in late summer 2009 and in 2012 rejoined afternoons at KLOS. In February 2013, Joe took over mornings at 100The Sound . KSWD. Hes now doing middays. Benti . Joseph: KJOI, 1987. The longtime television broadcaster and newsman, dispensed commentary on quotK-Joy. quot He was seen on KCET. He describes his current vocational status as quotretired and extinct. quot Bentley . Jason: KCRW, 1991-97 KROQ, 1996-97. Bentli . Ty: KBIG, 2010-12. Ty worked afternoons at MYfm until late spring of 2012. In July 2012, he joined Top 40 WNOW (92.3 Now) in New York for mornings. Hes now part of Cumulus nationally syndicated Americas Morning Show for the NASH Country network . BENTON . Nelkane: KABCKLOS . Nelkane, born in Kanas City on June 15, 1934, spent decades at the two stations in the area of community affairs. She died January 23, 2016. Raised in New York City, she started as a 19 year-old publicist for singer Bing Crosby. Nelkane went on to run KABCs Ombudsman Service, rising to become Community Relations Director for KABC, KLOS and Radio Disney. She was well known for her Spotlight on the Community broadcasts, and she organized numerous pet adoption parties, Red Cross blood drive, gift-giving drives for service members, food banks for veterans, and scholarships for youth in foster care. Nelkanes work won several National Association of Broadcasters Crystal awards for community service. BENZING . quotBig Wave Dave8221: KFSHKKLA . 2002-17. Dave works weekends at quotThe Fish. quot He works middays at 99.5, KKLA. Hes also productioncreative services director for Salem Los Angeles. He joined 95.9 The Fish in 2002. Prior to Southern California, BWD spent most of his professional career in Nashville as production director of legendary stations WLAC AMampFM and WSIX, as well as 107.5 The River, The Beat, 101.1 The One, The Rock 105.9 and the Salem Music Network. He has also worked radio stations in Virginia Beach and Boston. Radio was in his blood at a very young age. His mom has tapes of him reading The Cat In The Hat and other books into an old Radio Shack tape recorder. Born in Tucson, he was raised in Milford, NH. Dave graduated from Trevecca Nazarene University with a BA in communications and human relations and a BS in theater. Dave earned his MBA from Hope International University in 2006. (Chuck Blore, Big Boy, Rodney Bingenheimer, and Dr. Joy Browne) Berends . Tim: KBRT, 1986-87 and 1992-94. Tim used to co-host quotMornings with Tim and Alquot (with Al Gross) on KBRT in 1986-87 (winning the LA Herald Examiner s Top Jock Contest in 1986). In 1994 they spent a decade at KJSL (the old KXOK) in St Louis. Tim now hosts a weekly program on KKVV in Las Vegas. Berg . Dale: KYMS, 1981-83 KBRT, 1983 KOCM, 1983-84 and 1987-91 KYMS, 1991-92. Dale is working nights at KDES-Palm Springs as Michael Wood. BERGER . Ed: KEZY . 1979 KWIZ . 1980-85 KFI . 1995-2003. Ed Berger, beloved broadcaster, teacher and one of the nicest people in LARadio, died December 9, 2003 after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 43. The native Californian married fellow AirWatch colleague Peg Stewart just seven months before his death. In the early 1980s, Ed was part of the morning drive team at KWIZ with Ronni Richards and Ed Nix. In addition to his weekend news work at KFI, Ed was a full-time radio broadcasting instructor at Fullerton College. He worked at KEZY and KWIZ before turning his attention to weekend news work and full-time teaching. Ed was born in Torrance and grew up in Lancaster. He listened to Antelope Valley radio and remembered, quotGosh, I can do that. But, of course, it was Lancaster radio. quot Ed went to Antelope Valley City College and Fullerton College. At KWIZ, Ed was part of the morning drive team with Ronni Richards and Ed Nix . quotThe fact was I did a bit of everything. I did the news, fill-in, remotes and even morning drive. quot In 1985, there was a major personnel change at KWIZ and Ed made a decision. quotI didnt want to bounce around from radio station to radio station, so I got out. quot For the next decade Ed worked at Creative Media in Cypress. 8220So sorry to hear of the passing of Ed Berger, emailed Roger Marsh . 8220We worked together briefly one semester at Fullerton College and I remember him to be a class act and a true professional. He will truly be missed. but never forgotten.8221 8220OUCH. I am very saddened by the news,8221 wrote former KFI talk show host Rabbi Mentz . 8220He was such a pleasure to work with His soul lives on in all that remember the class act that Ed brought to the radio. May G-d bless his wife Peg during these rough times, and bless the memory of Ed Berger. Pat Mathews wrote: 8220I am shocked I worked with Ed many times when he was an engineer for Tim Keenan . I am deeply saddened and feel very badly for Peg. I had no idea he was sick.8221 8220Sad news,8221 emailed KBIG8217s Bryan Simmons . 8220I lost a parent to the same type of cancer and can attest that its an aggressive and most painful form of the disease. My sincere condolences to Eds wife Peg and all those who knew him. I had the pleasure of working with Ed those few times when hed fill-in for Mike Nolan at KOST and he was not only a professional, but a good guy as well.8221 KBIG8217s Lori Ryan wrote: 8220You know how our hearts were broken over the death of Mark Denis . History repeats itself with Ed Berger. Weve been blessed to know Ed, he was always kind and upbeat and never, ever said a bad thing about anyone. God bless Ed Berger. He made the world a better place.8221 Berger . Hal: KMPC KHJ. The baseball announced died February 6, 1980 . Berger . Stew: KQLH, 1986-88 KWIZ, 1988-91 KHTX, 1992-94 KFRG, 1995-96 KOLA, 1997. Since 1998, hes been with what is now Total Traffic NetworkLA, doing news at stations including KFI, and now does the news on KRLA and KTIE. Berk . Peter: KIKF, 1981-83 KFAC, 1983-86 KPWR, 1986-88 KZLA, 1988-91 KABC, 1991-97 XTRAfm, 1997-98 KFSD KCEO KSPA, 1998-99. Peter is president of Berk Marketing. Berman . Averill: KGFJ. Averill was murdered by sportscaster Stan Duke in 1969. Berman . Dr. Jenn: KYSR, 2004-05. Dr. Jenn hosted an evening therapy show every night on quotSTAR 98.7.quot She has a practice in Beverly Hills and will host a new reality celebrity couples therapy tv show in 2012. BERNADETTE . KRTH AM FM . 1980-90 KKBT . 1990 KJLH . 1991-94 KKHJ KBUE . 1994-97. Born Irma Molina in the San Gabriel Valley, Bernadette went to Citrus College and graduated with a degree in communication from Cal State Fullerton. During her senior year she started a ten-year relationship with the RKOBeasley outlet. She began at KHJ when it was a Country format. She was Bob Hamilton s assistant when he was national music director for RKO. Bernadette worked under Phil Hall during the KRTH call letter and format change staying with the stations during the RKO-Beasley-Liberman days. Bernadette was programming coordinator for KRTH AMampFM from 1986 to 1990 and was the first and only female on Smokin OldiesquotK-Earth, quot when she hosted the quotAll Request and Dedication Show. quot She moved on to quotthe Beatquot in 1990 to work as promotion coordinator with Liz Kiley and later to KJLH. After three years as the marketing director for Spanish KKHJKBUEKWIZ, in early 1997 she joined KUPR-San Diego. She is a massage therapist in Gresham, Oregon. Bernal . Raul: KLAX, 2000-01. Raul works mornings at Spanish KLAX as quotDona Mela. quot Bernard . Joe: KFWB, 1965-66. Joe was pd at KFWB. Unknown. Bernardini . Tony: KROQ, 1987-90. Tony was gm at WBCN-Boston since 1978 and from 1987 to 1990 he was the gm of BCN and KROQ. The San Diego native would spend two weeks a month at each station. In late 2003, Tony became vp, InfinityBoston, a consulting position. Bernhart . Bruce: KNX, 1981-91. Bruce broadcast the evening news at KNX. In 1991, Bruce was sentenced Friday to 90 days in jail for molesting a 13-year-old baby-sitter. Bernhart, 39, of Simi Valley had pleaded no contest to one count of child molestation. Investigators said that Bernhart blindfolded the girl on the pretext of playing a game, then put her hand on his penis. He was arrested that evening during his broadcast at the radio station, according to the LA Times . He is an executive headhunter. (Art Bell, Larry Barajas, Todd Baker, and Adrienne Bard) Bernstein . Bob: KMENKGGI, 1995-96. Unknown. Bernstein . Sheryl: KTWV, 1993-94. Sheryl has a very active voiceover career. Berry . Chris: KNX 1982-86 KSPN, 2009-10. Chris left KNX and spent the next 10 years at CBS Radio at the Washington News Bureau and WBBM-Chicago. From 1996 to 2002 he was vpRadio for ABC News New York. He went on to presidentgm of ABC-owned WMAL-Washington, DC. He was appointed general manager at KSPN in early 2009 and left in September 2010. Chris is now svp of 247 news service. Berry . Reed: KIEV KRLA, 1998-99. quotThe Traffic Guyquot hosted a traffic and general topics weekend talk show on KRLA until the summer of 1999. Reed currently serves as a contributing editor to the Web site LACar and he is the driving safety expert for VideoJug. Bertolucci . Robin: KFIKLACKXTA, 2002-17. Robin joined Clear ChannelLA AM stations as director of programming in February 2002. She was voted 1 Best Off-Air LARP of 2006. Bie . Peter: KIQQ, 1985-88. Peter is a pastor in Summerland, near Santa Barbara. Bienne , Simone: KROQ, 1011-12. Simone, the British sex therapist radio and tv personality, was part of quotLovelinequot at KROQ with Dr. Drew Pinsky and Pyscho Mike Catherwood. She left when her contract was up in late 2012. Big Boy . KPWR, 1994-2015 KRRL, 2015-17. Big Boy worked morning drive at quotPower 106quot until moving to iHeartMedias KRRL, Real 92.3, in March 2015. The urban giant will be inducted into the 2015 National Radio Hall of Fame. Bigby . Tom: KFI, 1982. Tom was operations director at Sports WXYT-Detroit and in the spring of 2011 he departed CBS after 23 years. He is now a consultant. Biggs . Jeff: KXTAXTRA Sports, 1997-2006 KMPC, 2007 KLAA, 2008-09 KSPN, 2011-17. Jeff works at all-Sports 710KSPN. Big Watusi . SEE Mark Mendoza Bill . Brother: KACE, 1963-69 KUTE, 1973 KGFJ, 1978 KEZY, 1978-79 KIIS, 1979-93 KMLT, (Lite 92.7FM), 2000-01. quotBrother Billquot worked at the Riverside quotLite 92.7FMquot outlet until early 2001. Billy the Kid . KIKF, 1994-2002 KSPA, 2006-08. Billy worked at KSPA in the Inland Empire until 2008. Bingenheimer . Rodney: KROQ, 1976-2017. Rodney has always seemed a step ahead of various trends from the English invasion to glitter to punk rock. He has been dubbed quotMayor of Sunset Stripquot and owned the English Disco. Hes worked at KROQ weekends for decades. Bingham . Bob: XTRA, 1960. Bob was managing editor at XTRA News. Unknown. Bingman . Frank: KLAC. KGIL. Frank was the announcer on the Straight Arrow radio show that ran on Mutual from 1949 to 1951 to sell Nabisco Shredded Wheat cereal. He was also the announcer on Swan Song . He left Los Angeles when he retired and went back to live in the West Virginia area to be near is son. He died there. (Carl Brazell and B. Bailey Brown) Bingo . Mike: KSRF, 1985. Unknown. Binkowski . Brooke: KNX, 2006-07 KPCC, 2007-12. Brooke is managing editor of Snopes. Binn . Stacy: KABC, 1986. Stacy worked for Metro Traffic in Washington, DC. Her wit and unusual voice made listening to traffic reports a pleasure. She died November 1, 2013 after a long battle with the complications from cancer treatments. She was 61. BIONDI . Dick: KRLA . 1963 and 1965-67. Born in New York. Dick spent three months with KRLA in 1963, while waiting for a job with Mutual Broadcasting and rejoined the Pasadena station in 1965, from Chicago (he was the original nite jock at WLS). He billed himself as the 8220ugliest and skinniest disc jockey in the world8221 and 8220The Wild Itralian.8221 In 1961, Dick won the Gavin Top 40 Disc Jockey of the Year Award. Perry Allen wrote of Dick: 8220Some of us endured the music as we focused primarily on tripping over our own ego devices. Others held the music at arm8217s length and attempted to make it into some kind of unemotional reference point. Dick Biondi merged with the music. And, by doing so, he solidly coalesced with the listener. No wall. They simply shared. He and his listeners were Siamese twins8230joined at the never endings of integrity. This, when bullshit was radio8217s most important product. He and a precious few rare others maintained a valid personal posture. 8220Through it, radio itself was protected. During the KRLA 30-year reunion, host Casey Kasem introduced him: 8220Dick was one of the most beloved personalities to ever open a mike on KRLA.8221 In 1966, Billboard listed Dick as the most popular late evening dj. In 1967, he returned to Chicago and worked the midnight-to-dawn slot on WCFL. Dick is currently working at WLSfm-Chicago in fact, he8217s rebounded to Chicago radio at least three times. Birchum . Mr. SEE Adam Carolla BIRD . Bob: KRKD . 1962-70 KIIS KHOF KFSG . Bob spent nearly 20 years on-air and engineering stints at KRKD, KIIS-AM, KHOF, KFSG in Los Angeles, and at KSBW in Salinas. He died July 20, 2010, at the age of 77. 8220His moniker at KIIS-AM was 8216Bob Bird, the Music Man,82178221 wrote his son Brian Bird. 8220My dad also did extensive voiceover and commercial work during that time. He left radio in 1974 to finish his Masters Degree in theology at Azusa Pacific University after which he became a hospital chaplain working for nearly 20 years in that field at Whittier Hospital, Kaiser Hospital in Los Angeles and St. Josephs Hospital in Orange County.8221 Bob8217s son Brian has a media career in Hollywood and his grandson, Cameron, is a writer at Wired Magazine. Bird . Eric: KMNY, 1994-97 KSCA, 1996-97 KKLA, 1997-98 KIEVKRLA, 1998-2001. Eric was apd at KRLA (formerly KIEV). Last heard, he was a paralegal in the Miami area. BIRDFEATHER . Barbara: KMET . 1969-71 KPPC . 1971-73 KPFK . 1973-74. Barbara, best known as one of the early female voices of Los Angeles 8220underground8221 radio, died April 26, 2009 following a long bout with lung cancer. She was 69. Born in Mt. Kisco, New York, Birdfeather worked as a professional astrologer, and wrote The Birdfeather Astrological Space Book . published in 1969. She wrote regular astrology columns for Cosmopolitan and Rags . quotBarbara was an extremely kind and understanding human and humane being,8221 recalls former KMET program director Richard Kimball. 8220and one hell of a good dj. Birdfeather preceded me on the air every night at KMET, before B. Mitchel Reed took over that slot. We always had a pleasant, on-air chat about the happenings of the day. Even though we were both adamantly opposed to the Vietnam war going on at the time, I never once heard her say anything negative about those responsible for that conflict. She simply made her point known by the music she chose to play.8221 Later, Barbara continued writing about music for various publications, and served as publicist for acts including Scottish blues rocker Alex Harvey. More recently, Birdfeather had worked as a floral designer. Following a stint as a music reviewer for the LA Times . since 1981 Barbara has been a floral designer. BIRRELL . Harry: KFWB . 1968 KNX . 1968-99. Harry, longtime veteran newsman and anchor at KFWB and KNX, died May 26, 2013 of complications from lung disease. He was 85. A native of Steubenville, Ohio, Harry was born March 5, 1928. He started his broadcasting career at WBVP in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania in 1949. From there he moved to WEIR in Weirton, West Virginia. Then on to WSTV in his home town, KLIF-Dallas, WNOE-New Orleans, KCBQ-San Diego, WINW-Canton, Ohio and WGBB-Merrick, Long Island, New York. He joined KFWB, Group W Westinghouse, before being called by CBS and KNXNewsradio in 1968. He was hired as a news anchor and worked there for 25 years before retiring in 1993. But not completely. For the next 5 12 years, from his home studio, he continued to send in daily reports of Ventura County news that were heard throughout the day on KNX. Then, in January 1999, he completely retired after nearly 50 years in radio broadcasting. Harry has been honored by the Radio and Television News Association of Southern California with nine Golden Mikes for his excellence in broadcasting. He has also been honored repeatedly by the Greater Los Angeles Press Club, the Valley Press Club, the Associated Press and United Press International. Harry has also received the National Headliners Club Award for his coverage of the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy and has been honored by the Broadcast Communications Department of California State University, San Francisco. His highest honor was the Dupont-Columbia Award for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism given to him by the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University. Harry has also been called upon countless times to do narrations for Panorama International Productions, TR Productions and other video and audio production companies. He also had a role in the Blake Edwards motion picture, Thats Life . starring Jack Lemmon and Julie Andrews. He and his wife Emily were married for over 60 years. Bisheff . Steve: KSPN, 2007. The former newspaper sports columnist for the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and Orange County Register acts as an quotInsiderquot at KSPN. Steve has been covering the Trojans since the 1960s, first as a student reporter and then in a newspaper career that resulted in him being inducted into the class of 2012 for the USC Athletics Hall of Fame Bishop . Bob: KCSN, KUSC. Last heard, Bob was working at KHFM-Albuquerque. Bishop . Denny: KPOL, 1978. Denny is one of the voiceover talents at KNBCChannel 4. (Jon Bruno, Howard Bloom, Chris Berry, Ed Brand, and Jerry Bishop) Bishop . Don: KIQQ, 1975 KMGX, 1994. Don is working the Country format at Westwood One. Bishop . Jerry: KLAC, 1965 KFI, 1969-74 KKDJ, 1975 KIIS, 1975-79 KGIL, 1983-85. Since the mid-1980s, Jerry has been the voice of the Disney Channel. Bishop . Pat: KFI, 1934-71. Pat Bishop passed away in the mid-1970s. Bishop . Robert: KPPC, 1969. Last heard, Robert was living in San Diego. BJ . KEZYKXMX, 1994-2000 KIIS, 2000-07. Bjorn quotBJquot Dahl is the Director of New Media at CBSLA. Bjerre . Miriam: KNX, 1973-77 KFWB, 1979-95. Miriam retired in 1998 and she is living in Connecticut. BJORKLUND . Jennifer: KFWB . 2014. Jennifer is a veteran broadcast news anchor and reporter with 27 years in the business, the last 15 of them in Los Angeles television. She spent 12 years with KNBCChannel 4, five of those years anchoring Today in LA . according to her website. She co-hosted with Phil Hulett on a midday show at KFWB until a format flip to all-Sports. Jennifer started her career in radio at Cal Poly SLO8217s radio station KCPR, where she was news director. Her first real broadcast news job was morning drive anchor for the Santa Maria ABC News radio station KUHL. From there she moved to Santa Barbara, taking over as the morning anchor when the station8217s news anchor Linda Nunez departed to KNX. Jennifer later moved to tv, working at KEYT first as a writerproducer and weekend reporter, then as morning anchor, and finally as weekend anchor. She arrived in Los Angeles with an offer to cover breaking news in the helicopter for KTTV, flying in SkyFox during the station8217s early morning newscast and Good Day LA . (Buzz Brainard, Les Brown, Barbara Blake, and Dr. Jenn Berman) Blabon . Duffy: KBLA, 1966 KGBS, 1974. Duffy was general manager at KBLA. Unknown. Black . Guy: KJLH, 2007-17. Guy worked mornings at KJLH until he was replaced by Steve Harvey in late summer of 2009. He has a weekend show at the Stevie Wonder station. BLACK . Tre: KKBT . 1995-96. The former KKBT personality died of a massive heart attack on March 7, 2010, at the age of 41. He was found dead in the shower by a friend. Tre was praised as an innovator. He was WaxMaster Torey and ruled the airwaves in underground hip-hop back in North Carolina. He went on to work at WJLB-Detroit. In the last year of his life he touched many people through SourceEnergyRadio with his team of passionate, loving teachers who supported him through his journey. Blackburn . Dan: KNX, 1972-76. Dan is hosting two syndicated television newsinterview programs in Los Angeles, a frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times . a recognized and widely published outdoor and a wildlife photographer. Blackburn . Michael: KBCA, 1976. Unknown. BLACKBURN . Valerie: KFWB . 2007-15. Valerie was Controller of the CBSLA cluster and general manager at KFWB, for seven years. She resigned from both positions in early 2014 to do some traveling and reconnect with friends and family. When she was asked if there was more to the story, Valerie commented: 8220Nothing more complicated than I8217m just ready to take some time off. I8217ve seen you do it a few times over the years, now it8217s my turn Timing is good right now to do some travelling and reconnect with family and friends. I8217ll wander back to radio at some point 8211 I8217ll always be a radio gal.8221 Valerie has spent seven years at the CBSLA cluster. Before joining CBS, Valerie spent seven years with Susquehanna Radio where she served as market controller before being elevated to director of business operations for the San Francisco market. Prior to that, Valerie held a similar position for 11 years with Jacor Broadcasting in Denver. BLACKWELL . Mr. KABC . 1972-74 KIEV . 1975-81. Mr. Blackwell died October 19, 2008, at the age of 86. The outrageous fashion critic was born Richard Sylvan Selzer, but as Mr. Blackwell he was best known for his annual list of Top 10 Worst Dressed celebrities. He was a talk radio host at KABC from 1972-74 and KIEV from 1975-81. He died of complications from an intestinal infection. He abandoned an acting career in 1958 and switched to fashion design. Mr. Blackwell issued his first tongue-in-cheek list of Hollywood fashion disasters for 1960. His notoriety grew steadily over the years as he took Hollywood8217s female celebrities to task for what he saw as their failure to dress in good taste. He told a reporter that most of the women he attacked on his Worst-Dressed List were people he genuinely admired for their talent, if not their dress sense. Mr. Blackwell was the one fashion critic that terrorized Hollywood. Cary Grant slept with him (or so the story goes), according to Entertainment Weekly . His celebrity landed him on tv shows such as Matlock and Matt Houston and he became a darling on the tv talkshow circuit. Mr. Blackwell recounted in his autobiography, From Rags to Bitches . that he had suffered a troubled, poverty-ridden childhood in which he was variously a truant, thief and prostitute. (Rob Blair, Glenn Beck, PJ Butta) Richard started his music career in 1975 as a very popular Los Angeles club DJ under the name 8216Mr. Melody,8217 the name given to him by Natalie Cole. Richard worked as a club DJ for over 25 years in LA and was the first disc jockey to work in both the club and on radio at the same time. Richard used the name 8216Mr. Melody8217 during his career until 1989, deciding to drop it when he went to work at AM 1230 KGFJ. Richard hosted the Continental Broadcasting television program, LAs Great Personalities from 1983-2001. Later, Richard co-created and hosted the Internet live broadcast jazz program, Jazz On My Mind from 2010-13. He is currently the ceo of blackwell360entertainment, a major company that produces radio and television programs, manages and books performing artists and produces live events. The company is based in Bear, Delaware. Since 2012, Richard has been on air at FM 91.3 WVUD in Newark, Delware with his weekly 8220Night Moods8221 radio program, and in 2016 he began producing and co-hosting the monthly syndicated music show 8220Music Notes8221 with the legendary bassist Al Turner. Blade . Richard: KNAC KROQ, 1982-2000 KYSR, 2003-07. Richard is on Sirius Satellite Radio and worldwide on Worldspaces Retro Radio. Blair . Jack: XPRS, 1972. Unknown. Blair . Rob: KACD, 1998. Rob achieved a Master8217s in Divinity at Claremont School of Theology. He launched quotBlair On-Air Productionsquot doing voicework for various stations. Blake . Barbara: KTWV, 1990 and 1997-2010. Barbara produces a Smooth Jazz brunch show on the Internet. (Steve Bisheff, Brian Beirne, Buddy Baron, and Scotty Brink) Blake . David: KFI, 1989. David broadcasts morning drive news at WWL-New Orleans. BLANCHARD . Red: KABC . 1956 KXLA . 1956 KPOP . 1957-58 KFWB . 1959-60 KNX . 1960-65. Richard Bogardus 8220Red8221 Blanchard passed away on June 16. 2011, at his home in Escondido. He was 91. Death was attributed to complications in the recovery from recent cancer surgery. Born in Gardner, Massachusetts, Red (nickname came from his shock of red hair) grew up in Southern California. As a little kid he was fascinated with building crystal sets and he became a ham operator. He loved music and played trombone during the era of 8220swing music.8221 Red started his radio career after a stint in the army and he joined KPRO-Riverside in December 1945. He started the 822014-40 Club.8221 In 1950 he went to KCBQ-San Diego and a year later was working at KLS-Las Vegas. While toiling in the backyard of his Sherman Oaks home and talking on a cellular phone in 1996, Red recalled his stop in Vegas: 8220I was there during the atomic bomb testing and I recorded the sound of the blast and fed it to the networks. I was called a heroic, brave reporter for taking on this assignment.8221 With a laugh, Red said, 8220The fact of the matter, all I did was hang a microphone out the window of the radio station. Hardly brave or heroic, but nonetheless.8221 He recounted his early fame: 8220I had my greatest radio success in San Francisco. I worked at KCBS from 1951 to 1955 and was written up in Life Magazine . Time and other major publications. By 1955 it had run its course and I returned to Los Angeles.8221 He went to KPOP to do mornings and while he was there, Red recorded Cape Canaveral, Pts 1 amp 2 on Pirate Records. A year later on the very day he was let go from KPOP, he was fired from the 8220graveyard shift on KFWB. In 1960 he became a staff announcer at KNX for five years. 8220I was fired due to illness. The boss got sick of me.8221 Red had always been interested in the technical side of radio and was hired on as an engineer at KHJChannel 9, working there for 15 years until his retirement in 1980. Red missed 8220the contact with the public8221 from his radio days but enjoyed the way things were. Red8217s wife died in 1986 at age 60 after a long illness. Blanco . Irma: KCMG, 1998-2001 KHHT, 2001-02 KLAC, 2002-04 KBIG, 2004-12 KOLA, 2013-16. Irma worked morning drive with Valentine at MYfm (KBIG) 104.3 until late summer 2012. In the spring of 2013, Irma joined the morning show at KOLA in the Inland Empire. Blase . Neale: KKDJ, 1972-73 KGBS, 1975-76 KDAY, 1977-78 KWST, 1979-80 KNXfm, 1983. Neale is marketing an original collection of products based on radio and music. Blaske . Art: KFWB, 1968-71 KHJfm, 1971-72 KLACKZLA, 1972-93. Art is doing voiceover work. BLASSNIG. Ron. Ron was a beloved CBS Radio engineer who was responsible for KTWV, KRTH, and KLSX. He died of a kidney tumor on October 30, 2008. He was 62. 8221Born and raised in Seattle, Ron discovered in high school a strong interest in broadcasting, listening to the big stations in Seattle and sitting up at night tuning in the far away signals from exotic locations like San Francisco8217s Big 610 KFRC and KREM-Spokane,8221 wrote his CBS Radio colleague Jim Blakely . 8220Ron started hanging with the announcers and promo people working at Seattle8217s Top 40 radio stations collecting 45s and getting his feet wet. Ron was hooked. Radio would become his life.8221 quotHis technical skill with tubes and microphones was well-known but many may be surprised to know Ron was also an excellent photographer,8221 continued Blakely. 8220His knowledge of cameras and film and lighting allowed him to meet many very attractive ladies who loved modeling for portraits.8221 Ron worked as a dj and engineer in the Seattle area before moving to KLOK-San Jose and becoming the station8217s chief engineer. He moonlighted at Ampex as a lab technician and gained his legendary experience and skill in tape machine technology. 8221My friendship with Ron began in 1980,8221 recalled Blakely. 8220We met when he came on board at 93KHJ. Prior to his arrival his resume included a doctored photo of the Golden Gate Bridge at high tide 8211 mostly submerged. That spoke volumes about Ron8217s wacky sense of humor. In the early 80s, we were preparing for the big studio build-out and move into brand-new facilities which today house KROQ and JACKfm on Venice Boulevard. His skills as an engineer dovetailed well into the team that Bob Kanner and Lynn Duke was assembling for the big project.8221 After a decade at KHJ and K-EARTH, Ron left for eventual chief duties at KLAC KZLA and later 1580KDAY. He eventually returned to CBS Radio. 8220Ron was one of the most upbeat personalities I8217ve ever encountered. He was the same on the air or off. He always had a story and a smile for everyone he met. We remained friends for 28 years. During the difficult period of suffering through the final stages of his illness he was still optimistic and reported to work nearly every day. Even though his diminished strength reduced his ability for physically demanding tasks, he was still able to do precision wiring and document administration.8221 Blatt . Steve: KUSC, 2004-05. Steve does weekend work at the Classical music station. BLATTER . Steve: KLYY . 1997-98. Steve is vp of music programming at Sirius Satellite Network. He named one of the Top 15 major-market radio programmers in America by Radio Ink magazine. Blatter held the position of Vice President, Programming for Big City Radio, where he was responsible for formatting and branding all of the companys radio properties (located in New York. Los Angeles. and Chicago). During his six-year tenure at Big City Radio, Blatter conceptualized and implemented the programming strategy for the Country formatted, Y-107 in New York and the Alternative Rock formatted, Y-107 (KLYY). Weekly audience at Y-107 (NY) rose from 150,000 to over 500,000 in only six months, making it the 5th most-listened-to Country music station in America. Weekly audience at Y-107 (LA) rose from 50,000 to over 700,000 in just six months. Blatters success in formatting and branding new products in highly competitive marketplaces, as well as his extensive knowledge of traditional and new media, played an instrumental role in the rapid growth of Big City Radio. Blatter began his career in media in 1986 at WXRKdm (Infinity-owned) in New York City. That same year he became an air personality and the mds at WVBRfm-Ithaca, New York. In 1988 Blatter moved on to become the Music Director at New York Citys WYNY-FM (owned by NBC and Westwood One), the most-listened-to Country radio station in America. After four years at WYNY, Blatter was tapped as director of programming for MJI Broadcasting. There he was responsible for the content and packaging of 12 nationally syndicated programs in a wide variety of radio formats. He also created, in conjunction with E Entertainment Television, the radio industrys first daily entertainment and music news fax service. Additionally, Blatter produced live backstage coverage of the Grammy Awards, the Country Music Association Awards and the MTV Video Music Awards. Blatter has a B. S. in Economics-Management from Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. BLATTNER . Buddy: KMPC . 1962-68. Buddy was the radio voice of the NBAs St. Louis Hawks in the 1950s and a longtime baseball broadcaster including play-by-play for the Los AngelesCalifornia Angels from 1962-68. He died September 4, 2009, following a long illness. He was 89. Blattner also played parts of five seasons in the major leagues and was a world table tennis champion, according to an obit in a St. Louis publication where he had been living. He founded the quotBuddy Fundquot in 1962, an organization that continues to supply athletic equipment to underprivileged children in the St. Louis area. Buddy was a table-tennis whiz in his youth and won the world mens doubles championship in 1936. He made his big-league debut as a Cardinals second baseman in 1942, although he had only 1 hit in 23 at-bats. He served in the U. S. Navy from 1943-45, and returned as the New York Giants regular second baseman in 1946, batting .255 with 11 homers. Blattner played parts of three more seasons for the Giants and the Philadelphia Phillies before retiring. For his career, he appeared in 272 games with a .247 batting average. Blattner turned to broadcasting, teaming with Dizzy Dean on St. Louis Browns radio broadcasts and then announcing the Game of the Week on ABC television and later on CBS. He joined Harry Caray in the Cardinals broadcast booth for the 1960 season. After six seasons with the Angels, he became the play-by-play announcer for the Kansas City Royals from 1969-75. Bleu . quotThe Truequot Don: KHJ, 1978-80. Don worked mornings in San Francisco until early summer of 2015. BLINOFF . Mark: KMPC . 1968-79. Mark died May 19, 2005. He was 70. Mark started at KMPC in 1968 and was promoted to pd in 1972. After major changes to the format in early 1979 where he had to fire some high profile personalities, he said: 8220We8217re not running a museum here. Radio is a living, breathing organism and we owe it to our listeners to try to reflect a contemporary lifestyle, to let them know what8217s going on in the real world.8221 Mark joined Merv Griffin Radio as vpgm and three years later bought KWIP-Salem, Oregon with Roger Carroll . 8220We sold the station in 1989 for a lot more than we paid for it.8221 Before joining KMPC, Mark was pd at KEX-Portland and assistant pd at KSFO-San Francisco. 8221In recent years, Mark taught fifth grade in the Alhambra School District. He loved working with children. It was hard for him to be ill, but harder to be away from his students. Mark loved helping young people. I know that first hand,8221 wrote Sharon Benoit . Mark suffered from a life threatening lung disease. Block . Alex Ben: KNX, 1999. The former editor of The Hollywood Reporter was the showbiz reporter at KNX. Hes now connected with an entertainment website and continues to write for THR . Block . Susan: KIEV, 1985-87 KFOX, 1987-93 KLSX, 1998. Susan hosted a quotsingles connectionquot show. In 2005, she hosted a DVD called Squirt Salon, featuring images of the elusive G-spot. Bloom . Andy: KLSX, 1991-93. Andy left his post as operations manager at WPHT-Philadelphia in late 2015. (Robin Bertolucci, Rob Brookler, and Larry Burnett) Bloom . Howard: KLACKMETKTWV, 1977-87. Howard started out as a screener for Arbogast and Margolis at KLAC. He worked part-time after his work at a liquor store. He worked his way up through the sales ranks at Metromedia and was there for the end of the quotMighty Met. quot Howard died of a heart attack in November 1993. He had been working as gsm at Metro Traffic at the time of his death. Bloom . Lisa: KABC, 2000-01. Lisa practices law with her mother Gloria Allred and she worked at Court TV. Blore . Chuck: KFWB, 1958-63 KIIS. Chuck owns an award-winning advertising agency. Blow . Kurtis: KPWR, 1995-98. Unknown. Blue . Bobby: KNAC, 1972-76 KMET. Bobby national media director of New Life Ad Agency, which produces and places 30 minute block programming and placing time buys nationally. Blumberg . Loren: KPWR, 1994-95 KACD, 1995-98 KSSEKSSCKSSD, 1998-2007. Loren is sales manager at Hero Broadcasting. Bo . Jason: KDLD, 2003 KIIS, 2004-05. Jason worked swing at KIISfm. Bodine . Buster: KPWR, 1987-89. Buster has an active voiceover career working from his home studio for such clients as Guitar Center and Warner Bros. Records. Bodington . Dave: KFI, 1968-69 KIEV, 1977-78 XPRS, 1978-80. Dave works at Voice of America in Washington, DC, as a broadcast technician. Boerner . Rich: KLSX, 1997-2009. Rich is creative director and voiceover for CBS Interactive and gmhost of HotTalkLA. (Jon Badeux, Lance Ballance, Jim Backus, and Rico Banana) Bohrman . Stan: KLAC, 1967-68 KHJ KNX KGIL, 1985 KFWB, 1990-94. Born November 9, 1930, Stan grew up in Van Nuys. He started as a dj at KFRC-San Francisco and eventually abandoned music to pursue news broadcasting and was part of Voice of America. Stan became a local fixture on local tv news as an investigative reporter and anchor. During his career he hosted talk shows on radio and tv. Stan had a heart attack on October 13, 1994, and died at the Tarzana Medical Center at the age of 63. B OIVIN . Paola: KMPC . 1992-93. The Daily News sportswriter co-hosted a sports talk show at KMPC. She is now teaching at the Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications. The school launched sports journalism degree programs on the master8217s and bachelor8217s levels in 2015 and also runs summer sports journalism camps for high school students. Paola has been a sports columnist at The Arizona Republic since 1995. She was also a reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News and Camarillo Dally News . Paola graduated from the University of Illinois at urbana-Champaign. She was one of the reporters at the 2012 Fiesta Bowl. Boland . Katie: KTZN 1997. Unknown. Bolles . The Real Don: KSRF, 1990-92. Don is a free-lance writer and appears frequently in the LA Weekly . Bollinger . Russ: KIKF, 1987. Unknown. Boman . Tommy: KXTA, 1997-99 KFWB 2004-06. Tommy was the producer of the Dodgers Radio Network for KFWB until the fall of 2006. He8217s now the vp of Broadcast Operations for Learfield Sports based in Missouri overseeing the broadcast production of 49 college sports networks. Bonaduce . Danny: KYSR, 1999-2005 KLSX, 2006-09. The former member of the Partridge Family tv series, Danny started mornings at quotStar 98.7quot with Jamie White on September 15, 1999 and left July 1, 2005. He joined morning drive at KLSX on January 2, 2007 and in early 2008 moved to a one-hour afternoon shift. Danny went on to work morning drive at WYSP in Philadelphia until late summer of 2011. In November 2011, he joined morning drive at KZOK-Seattle. Bond . Lyle: KHJ, 50s. Lyle died on a San Diego golf course in the 1970s. BOND . Nancy. Nancy has been directing commuters through the maze of Southern California freeways for over two decades. 8220When I first began it was AirTraffic Communications. The company was owned by Steve Springer from San Diego. He had a traffic service there and wanted to expand into Orange County and the Inland Empire. Steve hired me in January of 1989.8221 Up to that point the only radio experience that Nancy had was doing news on the Saddleback College station, KSBR (88.5fm). At the time that Air Traffic was launching, there was already LA Network, owned by Rhonda Kramer . and Metro Traffic, which was owned by a group based in Houston. Eventually AirTraffic became a subsidiary of Jacor Communications, then Jacor was taken over by Clear Channel Communications around 2000. Eventually Nancy and her young staff took over the news and traffic for a myriad of radio stations and radio companies. Her reports have been heard on KFI, KOST, KGGI and KBIG. But in the beginning, it was just Nancy and John Quinlan doing the drive time reports. Nancy didn8217t get into the world of traffic reporting until she was 40. She and her husband were on the ground floor of the Microwave explosion in the 1970s, and for a decade owned 8216Bond8217s Microwave Oven Centers8217 all over the Southland They taught the senior citizens at Leisure World how to cook with the microwave oven. Nancy has twins. Her son, Clint, is the art director for Nickelodeons SpongeBob. Her daughter Amy taught in the Czech Republic and returned to the states in 2007. Shes now in retail sales at Yankee Candle in the Irvine Spectrum. Bonds . John: KMPC, 1988 KNX, 1989. John is the publisher of the Taste of Vegas Restaurant Guide and works at KSFN-Las Vegas. Bones . KNAC, 1991-92. Last heard, Bones was working in Las Vegas. BONFIETTI . Jayne: KFI . 1998. The Cooking Babe died February 20, 2009, at the age 49. Jayne had a nationally syndicated daily one-minute radio recipe show called 8220The Qwik Cook8221 that was heard on KFI in the late 821790s. She described her show as 8220brainfood on the half shell, a spicy tidbit to go.8221 She grew up in suburban New England with a mom who could turn out dinner for a dozen defensive linemen from her brother8217s college football team with an hour8217s notice. Her mother is Czech and Russian and her father is Italian and Finnish. Raised Catholic and culinarily confused, Jayne headed West to date, join a sorority, and find her dining destiny. She attended restaurant school and became a restaurateurcaterer. The experience prompted her to organize a support group called Caterers In Recovery. Jayne lived in San Diego with her husband and four sons, ten chickens, four dogs, and two sheep. Bonilla . Tera: KMVN, 2007-09. Tera worked middays at Movin 93.9fm until a format flip to Spanish in early 2009. Bonk . Thomas: KMPC, 1992. Thomas is the golf writer for the Los Angeles Times and is seen frequently on golf telecasts. Boogerman . KROQ, 1994-95. Unknown. Bookasta . Gary: KROQ, 1973-78. Last heard, Gary was a lobbyist in Washington, DC. (Tony Bruno, Tammy Bruce, Terry Bradshaw, Buddy Budnik, and Charlie Brill) Booker . Chris: KLSXKAMP, 2009-17. Booker joined AMP Radio for middays from New York on June 1, 2009. Booker . Levi: KJLH, 1979-84 and 1986 and 1992-2015. Levi hosted a weekend show at KJLH. Boone . Pat: KPZE, 1988 KJQI, 1993-94. Pat appears at various entertainment events. Boortz . Neal: KGIL, 2007. Neals syndicated show begins on KGIL (1260AM) October 29, 2007. Bordonaro . Bob: KKGO, 1982-86 KCTD, 1998-99 KMZT, 2000-01. Bob left his post as the gsm at Classical quotK-Mozartquot in the spring of 2001. BORGERS . Helen: KLONKKJZ, 1981-2015. Helen has spent 25 years at the all-Jazz station, KKJZ. She works afternoon drive. Helens love of jazz may have been instilled at birth as she was born in one of the hotbeds of the music, Kansas City. But, more likely, it was engendered by her older brother, Ken, whose playing of John Coltrane, Gerald Wilson, Charlie Byrd, and Buddy Rich - Helens earliest memories of jazz - came through the walls of his bedroom into hers. Her father taught radio and television at USC, Ken graduated from USC with a degree in broadcasting, and her mother, too, had been in radio, back in the 40s in New York. She was a copy writer at WMCA and WOR, and worked with budding jazz journalists Leonard Feather and Barry Ulinov at the studios. So, jazz and radio were in Helens blood. Helens intention, however, was a life in the theatre. She majored in theatre at Cal State Long Beach, and her only radio work was doing weekly radio dramas on the student station, KSUL. But Ken became program director of KLON a few years before CSULB became the licensee. Ken recruited Helen to help out at the station, even giving her a weekly show featuring vocal music. When the move was made to the university, and Ken streamlined the format to 24-hour jazz and blues, Helen was part of the deal. She became the weekend jazz host, Saturdays and Sundays from noon to five. A year of that and she became the weekday afternoon drive host, eventually moving to the morning drive when Chuck Niles came from KKGO to do afternoons. After her second year as a host, Helen was also made music director, interacting with the record label promoters, building and maintaining the stations jazz library. In addition to her drive-time and library duties, Helen began a weekly three-hour interview program called The Artists Corner . Each week, a different guest artist would come to the studio, choose their favorite recordings from the KLON library or bring them from home and, between their selected tracks, discuss these recordings and their lives with Helen. The guests included local greats as well as out-of-town legends, including Horace Silver, Gerald Wilson, Max Roach, Abbey Lincoln, Steve Allen, Ray Brown, Kenny Burrell, Eddie Harris, Tony Williams, all of the Marsalis family members, and many, many others. Lots of the young giants got early exposure on this program, including Joshua Redman, Nicholas Payton, Mark Whitfield, Brad Mehldau, Terence Blanchard, Harry Connick, Jr. to name only a few. For over ten years Helen hosted this show, building a reputation as the stations number one interviewer. From 1991 to 1994, Helen was pd for a European jazz service called Eurojazz, which served the Netherlands via satellite from a special studio built in KLONs facilities. Along with designing and coordinating locally-produced jazz shows and European-produced shows, she would do her local drive-time show each day at KLON, and then go up the hall to broadcast to Europe. Eventually the service relocated to London, and Helen moved to England to set up the studios and reorganize the programming. After a year abroad, she returned to California and KLON, where she has been ever since. In her capacity as a jazz broadcaster, Helen has been invited to give pre-concert lectures at various performing arts centers, has served on panels in jazz conventions all over the world, and has lectured about the history of jazz in middle schools, high schools, and colleges. She has also written articles for international jazz publications. She regularly emcees concerts, festivals, and club dates throughout southern California. Borgers . Ken: KUSC, 1968-71 KLON, 1978-2000 KCRW, 2005-09. Ken left as the afternoon voice on quotAll Things Consideredquot at KCRW in the summer of 2009. The Long Beach native was host of Jazz from Southern California and served as station manager of KUSC before his career at KLON and KCRW. He is a daily contributor to the premier provider of web-based audio programming, the voice of the audio editions of the Wall Street Journal . Forbes magazine, and many other subscription offerings since Audibles inception in 1999. Boros . Michelle: KAMP, 2010-17. Michelle started middays at AMP RADIO on March 1, 2010. Borquez . Bob: KFSG, 1980-86. For the past nine years, Bob has been growing the syndication of The Dave Ramsey Show. Botta . Sam: KFI, 2004-05. Sam left the KFI news department in early summer 2005. Botula . Mike: KNOB, 1966-67 KFWB, 1968-71 KRLA, 1971-72 KMPC, 1972-77. In the spring of 2001, California Governor Gray Davis appointed Mike to the Department of Child Support Services as Assistant Director of Information and Public Affairs in Sacramento. Since then, Mike left state service to work as a media consultant in Sacramento. Now retired and living in Stockton, he has gone back to school, and tends his website mikebotula. Bowden . George: KSGV, 1963-65 KGGK, KNOB 1965-67. After a career in tv, George taught in the Los Angeles City College Radio-TV-Film Department from 1975 until his retirement in 1995. Bower . Jayne: KFWB, 1990-93. Jayne is working at WWJ-Detroit. She and husband Jeff live in Ann Arbor, have two pre-teen boys. Jayne produces a quotLabor Painsquot feature. Bowers . Jason: KIIS, 2001 KYSR, 2004-07. Jason worked swing at STAR 98.7. Hes now with the AC outlet at Dial-Global. Bowker . Bill: KNAC, 1970 KYMS, 1972-74 KWST, 1975-77 KROQ, 1978-79. Bill works at KRSH-Santa Rosa. BOWMAN . Don: KBBQ . 1970. Don gained fame as a country artist sing for RCA Victor records and starring in a number of country-oriented films. One of his RCA albums was Funny Folk Flops produced by Chet Atkins. The album liner notes noted: 8220He is a man who can make chills of fear go up and down the backbone of a composer.8221 Born August 26, 1937, in Lubbock, Don died June 5, 2013. He has been dubbed 8220The World8217s Worst Guitar Picker.8221 He learned to sing in church and his early goal in life was 8220not to be run over by a truck.8221 In the 1960 he worked at KDEO-San Diego, KEWB-San Francisco, Minneapolis and WKDA-Nashville where Chet signed Don to the RCA label in 1964. He was in the same league as Homer amp Jethro. Don was a jock in Los Angles when KBBQ was a Country station. (Jim Bain, Bruce Barker, Paul Byron, John Bemis, and Brooke Binkowski) BOWMAN . Lisa: KABC . 1983-87 KMPC . 1987 KLAC . 1990. In 1983, KABC conducted a much-publicized talent search for a host to work with Bud Furillo and Tommy Hawkins on 8220SportsTalk.8221 Lisa was runner-up however, one month later the winner, Merrie Rich . was fired and Lisa was offered the job. As the second-place finisher, she won a trip to Puerto Rico, winning both first and second place prizes. Lisa, from LaCanada, was a tv actress. She also got the afternoon drive 8220SportsTalk8221 job on KABC and later hosted the 8220Sports Nut8221 show on KLAC with Gabe Kaplan . She covered the Rams on KMPC. She did boxing commentary alongside Rich Marotta and Lisa co-hosted Strohs Circle of Sports with actor Robert Conrad. For a time she lived in Flagstaff while her husband Chuck Bowman directed many episodes of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and Stingray . Lisa was a cabaret singer and appeared in a number of stage productions. She was in the first national company of A Chorus Line in los Angeles, Chicago, and Honolulu. Other productions include The Dybbuk at the Mark Taper Forum and in the Dorothy Chandler production of Sound of Music . Lisa played Sister Margaretta and was the understudy to Florence Henderson . Bowman . Paul: KFOX, 1986. Unknown. Boxer . Jack: SEE Joe Terry Boyd . Donnell: KKTT, 1979 KGFJ, 1980 KLACKZLA KABC. The well-like KFWB sales executive died in late 2001. Boyd . Ed: KKDJKIIS, 1973-79. Ed is a consultant living in Miami Beach. He sells Medicare supplement and health insurance, as well as playing golf in semi-retirement. Boyd . Glen: XTRA, 1959. Unknown. Boyle . John: KLSX, 1998-2009. John was co-host of the syndicated John amp Jeff Show that was heard on the third shift at KLSX until a format flip to AMP RADIO in early 2009. Bozeman . Victor: KFAC, 1969-70. Victor Emmanuel Bozeman grew up in Kansas City. He arrived in Southern California from WNYC-New York to pursue an acting career. When he left KFAC he became an NBCTV staff announcer with a lifetime contract. Victor appeared in several tv series including: Ironside and Get Smart . He died November 26, 1986 at the age of 57. Bozzi . Dick: KRTH, 1974. Dick is a former program director at KRTH. Unknown. Bracken . Dennis: KNX, 1963-77. Dennis collapsed shortly after returning from Santa Anita racetrack in the spring of 1977 where he had done the quotcolorquot for the KNX radio broadcast of the Santa Anita Derby. (Brother Bill, Michael Baisden, Brent, and Jason Bowers) BRADBURY . B. R. KIQQ . 1974-75 KHJ . 1977 KPOLKZLA . 1977-79. B. R. Bradbury, best known as the newsman with Robert W. Morgan . died of a massive heart attack January 17, 2001. He had the heart attack while driving home from a meeting. A motorist saw his car go off the road into a ditch and called 911. The car had automatic door and window locks, which wouldnt open from the outside so the paramedics had to break in. They tried to revive him for over an hour but to no avail, according to a family member. B. R. was born in Aberdeen, Washington, on September 4, 1942, and he spent several years at Grays Harbor College. His first job was at KHOK-Hoquiam, Washington. In 1965 B. R. moved to KOL-Seattle, then in 1970 to KFRC-San Francisco. It was at KFRC that he changed his on-air name from Bill Munson to his real name Bill Bradbury. (According to Frank Thompson, B. R. grabbed onto his first two initials at the last second when he began his first on-air newscast at KFRC. Apparently there was another Bill on the news staff.) In 1972 B. R. transferred to KHJ, where he was the newsman for Robert W. Morgan. He went with Robert to KIQQ (quotK-100quot). At the 1973 annual Billboard Radio Programming Forum, B. R. was voted best newsman. In 1980 B. R. returned to Seattle and worked at KJR. In 1985 he joined CKLG-Vancouver, B. C. as news director. He retired from radio in 1995 and opened his own insurance agency in Blaine, Washington. Lan Roberts, a longtime friend and colleague remembered B. R. quotHe was a true professional and one of the nicest people you would ever meet in radio or tv. quot B. R. was 58. Bradley . KROQ, 1997-98 KYSR, 1998-2006. Bradley worked afternoons at quotStar 98.7quot until 2006. SEE Bradley Wright Bradley . Bill: KLAC, 1956-57 KDAY, 1958-60 KLAC, 1960. Bill retired to Palm Springs and died July 4, 1997. Bradley . Tim: KCRW, 1978 KMGG, KIEV. Tim is involved in the world of voiceover and hosted quotAll Strings Consideredquot at KCSN. Bradley . Wayne: KMGX, 1992-94. Wayne is working for Smooth Jazz WGLX in Wilmington, North Carolina. Hes also executive director at Triovisions. (Dick Biondi, Neale Blase, Laura Brodian, and Peter Berk) Bradshaw . Terry: KXTA, 1999-2000. The former Pittsburgh Steeler QB worked a noon talk show beginning August 23, 1999, at quotXTRA Sports 1150.quot He left following the Super Bowl in 2000. Brady . Jim: KLAC, 1987-88. Jim, one of Torontos great morning drive jocks from 1973 until 1987, was working morning drive at WRVFWCFA-Toledo. He died June 5, 2014, following a four-year battle with cancer. He was thought to be in his late 60s. Brager . Stan: KLON, 1997-2001. Stan hosted a Sunday morning jazz show at KLON. BRAILER . Charlie: KFWB . 1969-93. Charlie, longtime anchor at all-News station KFWB, died November 7, 2007. He had been part of the station8217s morning drive for many years until his retirement in 1993. He underwent successful heart transplant surgery in the early 2000s, but continued to battle other medical concerns. Charlie was born and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland, and was a journalism major at the university of Maryland. After graduation he served as a Voice of America producer for the Far East. Charlie went into the army and was stationed at Fort Huachuca in Tombstone, Arizona and was editor of the post newspaper. After the service, he joined Mutual Broadcasting as an engineer and eventually joined Westinghouse in their Washington, DC bureau. That assignment brought him to Southern California. 8220Broadcast news changed in 1963. When I got into broadcast journalism it was not entertainment and it was not to titillate. I was standing in Arlington cemetery watching a man dig a hole where they would bury John Kennedy. President Kennedy personified a mood of optimism. With his assassination I knew things would never be quite the same again. Americans became disillusioned.8221 Charlie and his wife retired to the Antelope Valley where he ran very successful pet-sitting service. 8220I feel fortunate to have been a reporter on some historic events over a four-decade period.8221 (Billy the Kid, Lee Barry, Bobby Blue, and Burt Brown) Brainard . Buzz: KZLA, 2000-05. Buzz left Country KZLA mornings in late 2005. Brainin . Janet: KZLAKPWR, 2000-07. Janet was made DOS of the two EmmisLA stations in early 2004. Branch . Heather: KNX, 2009-11. Heather broadcast weekend traffic at KNX. Brand . Ed: KMPC, 1987 KLAC. Ed worked the Adult Standards format at Westwood One from 1987-2013. He now is a voiceover talent. Brandmeier . Jonathon: KLSX, 1998-2000 KCBSfm, 2004-05 KABC, 2015-17. Jonathon worked middays at the FM talk station, KLSX, and left the station in the fall of 2000. He returned to the Southland for mornings at quotArrow 93quot in the Spring of 2004 and in March 2005 the station flipped to jockless JACKfm. In early 2012, he joined mornings at WGN-Chicago. When Chicagos 87.7fm flipped to Sports in early 2014, he did mornings until November 2014. He is now heard in the evenings on KABC. Brandon . Leah: KYSR, 1995-2001 KIIS, 2001-04 KFI, 2004-07. Leah is a free-lance voice imager and works in the South. She co-hosts a podcast with John Ziegler that is carried on a number of stations. Brandt . Gary: KPOL, 1963-70 KIIS, 1970-72. Gary is the director of marketing at WOR-New York. Brandt . Michael: KROQ, 1983. When Michael left KROQ, he became general sales manager for a number of stations in San Francisco, including Live105KITS, K101, and Susquehanna Broadcasting Company. Since early 2014, hes been a realtor with Jonathans Landing Realty in Jupiter, Florida. (Mike Botula, Amanda Brinkley, Dave Beasing, and Frank Bresee) Branson . Bob: KFI, 1969. Unknown. Brattin . Corbett: KRTH, 1991-92 KFI KNX KXEZ. Corbett is is semi-retired and living in the Palm Springs area. Braverman . Erik: KFI KABC, 1996-2008. Erik left his post as the operations manager at KABC in late 2008. He is a consultant to the LA Dodgers and co-owns Braverman Brothers production company. Brazell . Carl: Carl has served as the president, chief executive and director of the company of Metromedia since November 2001 and as the chairman of the board of directors since February 2002. Carl had extensive prior experience in the radio and communications industries in the United States. Breckow . John: KPFK. In the early 821670s, Breckow doggedly promoted shows in Santa Barbara, spun blues on KCSB, and ran a hip record store on Anapamu Street. After moving to L. A. Breckow had a show on KPFK for years. John went to work for Rhino Records. Breeze . Connie: KRTH, 2002-03. Connie was born and raised in Detroit, her father worked at Ford Motor Company and her mother was a music teacher. quotWe had a huge theater organ in our living room and my mother always had a string of students coming and going through the house. quot She studied political science at Michigan and then went to Southern California and enrolled in broadcasting school. In 1985 I got my first job in radio on Tucson Arizona. Since then, I have been on many stations playing all types of music. quot Shes now with The Oasis in Las Vegas. Breneman . Betty: KLAC KFWB, 1954-58 KHJ, 1958-73. Betty is president of Breneman Radio Services and produces The Breneman Review audio magazine. Breneman . Tom: KBLA, 1958. Tom was ceo of Breneman Radio Services. He died September 9, 2003, at the age of 70, after a lengthy battle with cancer. Brennen . Tom: KRKD, 1958. Unknown. Brenner . Carol: KWST, 1976 KZLA, 1977-79 KMPC, 1979-80. Carol left radio to study for an M. B.A. at Pepperdine University in order to prepare for the business side of radio. Brent . KBIG, 2006-08. Brent is with Virgin Radio, based in Dubai. (Don Barrett, Sam Bellamy, and Bill Banks) Bresee . Frank: The radio performer and broadcast archivist wrote Radios Golden Years . Breshears . Carol: KPFK KFWB, 1978-81. The former program director at KFWB is president of the Radio and Television News Association. quotI want to preserve journalism the way it used to bequot She is the assignment manager at FOX 11 News. BRETT . Ken: KMPC . 1987-91. The former Dodger pitcher was one of the California Angels announcers in the late 1980s. He died November 18, 2003, at the age of 55, of brain cancer. During his career he played for ten teams. For over a quarter of a century, Ken held the record for a pitcher hitting the most homers 8211 4 8211 in a single season. He did it with the Phillies in 1973. Born in Brooklyn on September 18, 1948, Ken pitched in the 1974 All-Star game. Brett became the youngest pitcher to take the mound in a World Series game in 1967 when he threw 1-plus innings of relief for the Boston Red Sox against the St. Louis Cardinals. Brett was 19 years, 1 month old at the time. A part owner of the Spokane Indians minor league baseball team and the Spokane Chiefs minor league hockey club, Brett pitched 14 years in the majors and tied the modern major league record by playing for 10 different teams, finishing with the Kansas City Royals and his brother in 1981. The left-hander compiled an 83-85 record with a 3.93 ERA in 349 career games. Brewington . Ron: KLON, 1982-87 KGFJ, 1992-94 KJLH, 1992-97. Ron is a stringer for UPI radio and his movie reviews frequently appear in movie ads. Brick . J. T. KLAC, 2009-15. J. T. worked evenings at Fox Sports Radio, which is carried on KLAC. Bridges . Gene: KLAC, 1989-93. Gene went to work for St. Judes Childrens Hospital. BRIEM . Ray: KGIL . 1953-54 KLAC . 1960-67 KABC . 1967-94 KIEV KRLA . 1995-2002 KPLS . 2002. Ray Briem died December 11, 2012, at the age of 82, of cancer. He was best known as the all-night host of talk radio8217s millions of night owls for several decades. Born in 1930, Ray began his radio career as a 15-year-old in his hometown of Ogden. He and his buddies hosted a radio drama called 8220The Adventures of Vivacious Vicky.8221 During the Korean War, Ray was heard on Armed Forces Radio and in 1953 he became a dj at KGIL. A year later he hosted 8220The Breakfast Club8221 on KLUB-Salt Lake City for four years. In 1958 he was part of radio and tv at KING-Seattle, where he hosted a Seattle Bandstand-type show. 8220They called me the Dick Clark of Seattle .8221 Ray returned to the Southland in early 1960 to jock at KLAC. When KLAC started Talk radio with Joe Pyne . Ray resisted He told Claudia Puig of the LA Times . 8220I went into it kicking and screaming. I liked playing the music. I realized what a dumb head I was. I knew very little about politics or the workings of government, and the first year I was an embarrassment.8221 He was hired at KABC on July 4, 1967. He initially got a percentage of the advertising during his all-night shift, but that perk was eliminated during a recession. For eight years he show was carried nationally on the ABC network. In an OC Register interview with Gary Lycan, Ray said he was most proud of his 10-year association with commentator Vladimir Posner from the former Soviet Union. 8220I started calling Radio Moscow in the fall of 1977. He would use our phone calls as basis for commentaries. Nobody else was doing it.8221 Ray is a ham-operator and received a Freedoms Foundation George Washington Medal for information he helped supply after the seizure of the U. S.S. Pueblo in 1968. Over 1,000 listeners paid 50 to attend his KABC retirement party in late 1994. His favorite artists 8211 Mills Brothers, Frankie Laine and Tony Martin 8211 performed. Asked if he would miss the all-night vigil, Ray said: 8220After 27 years on the graveyard shift, my body says staying up all night ain8217t the right thing to do. Your biological clock, your circadian rhythms are always upset.8221 In late 1995 Ray started an afternoon drive talk show on KIEV. The station eventually changed call letters to KRLA and on September 11, 1999, Ray moved to weekends. He left the Salem station in early Fall of 2002 and joined weekends at KPLS briefly. (Big Boy, Andy Bloom, Dr. Susan Block, Joe Benson, and George Babcock) Briggs . Eddie: KBBQ, 1968. Unknown. Briggs . Lynn: KJLH, 1989-91 KACE, 1991-92. Lynn is at WRKS-New York. BRILL . Bob: KNX . 1987 and 2006-17. Bob became a UPI correspondent and later West Coast bureau chief for UPI Radio Network based in LA. He owned KC Kings Sportscards in Ventura and works swing at KNX. 8220I started in radio in 1972. I left L. A. to take my first real job in Prescott, Arizona at KNOT. While there I also wrote a twice weekly column on sports for the local paper.8221 From Prescott, Bob made the nomadic journey to eventually get back home. He worked in Palm Springs, Oklahoma twice, KELP-El Paso, New Mexico for 9 days, and KVFM in LA was his first L. A. gig. He went on to work at KJLH and KGFJ. He did some news and sports for KNX and news on sister stations KHTZ and KNXfm. 8220I worked for the LA Times in a project that eventually failed. Finally ended up as a National correspondent joining MutualCBS. I became West Coast bureau chief for the UPI Radio Network,8221 said Bob. Brill continued: 8220I was beaten up in the LA riots at Florence amp Normadie while filing a report and ended up in the hospital. I was one of the many who received an LA Press Club Award for riot coverage, although I only covered for the one day due to the injury.8221 A fan of collectibles, Bob wrote the first ever sports collectibles column for the UPI wire. 8220I had been dealing trading cards part time for years and I am very heavily involved today.8221 He left UPI to free lance and started his own publication TBR: The Brill Report, which was the first hard news publication in the memorabilia industry. I broke several stories, including one picked up by the New York Times on exposing the dark side of NFL Properties which remains a big story today.8221 8220I sold TBR and took a position with a trading card manufacturer in 1995 and 8216due to my integrity8217 I was let go after less than a year,8221 Brill continued. 8220Honestly, that was the reason as told to me by one of the other manufacturers after I left. He had inquired as to why I was fired. I love that. anyway, I became a consultant with smaller trading card companies and eventually moved to Ventura where I opened a sports card and memorabilia store: KC Kings Sportscards the K stands for Koufax and the C for Clemente.8221 8220I patterned the Web site after the wire service, as we take no industry advertising and promote a free and independent press. Ive broken several stories already although I dont have an archive system yet. My son and I are working on a book on China. I8217m also writing a screenplay. Bill was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and graduated: Sylmar High School. Brill . Charlie: KFI, 1975-76. Charlie was the Captain on USA Networks Silk Stockings . Brink . Scotty: KHJ, 1965-66 and 1968-70. Scotty lives in Oklahoma City and was voicetracking for an Oldies station in Chicago. Brinker . Bob: KABC, 2010-13. Bobs syndicated financial show was heard on KABCs weekends. Brinkley . Amanda: KNX KYSR, 1997. She was working as Renee Brinkley at KNBR-San Francisco until the late 2000s. Britton . Boyd R. KKDJ, KIIS, KTNQ KWST KHTZ KNWZ KROQ, 1987-2015. Boyd, as Doc on the Roq, was the news director at KROQ and worked morning drive with Kevin amp Bean until February 2015 when the station dropped news. He is now a priest. Brodeur . Gene: KMPC, 1971-80 KUTEKGFJ, 1982-84. Gene produces a bi-monthly series on political and social issues for Montana Public Television. (Dr. Frank Baxter, Ken Borgers, Stan Brager, and Billy Bush) Brodian . Laura: KUSC, 1987-88 KFAC, 1989 KKGOKKJZ, 1990-97 KGIL, 1997-98 KMZT, 2002-07 KCSN, 2008-09 KUSC, 2010. Laura worked at Classical K-Mozart until early fall of 2007. She worked afternoons at KCSN until station automated in late September 2009. Laura is an arts reporter covering the Inland Empire. Brodie . Christine: KMET, 1984-87 KTWV, 1987-2002. In 1988 she was appointed program director. She resigned from the quotSmooth Jazzquot station in the Fall of 2002. In early 2007, Chris joined the Smooth Jazz Network at Broadcast Architecture as Vice President of Affiliate Relatons. Broeske . John: KABC, 1988. John is pd at KMJ-Fresno. Brookler . Rob: KIQQ, 1982-85. Rob is president of Planetwide Publishing. He also hosts the website, meditations2go. Brooks . Barbara: Barbara has been a longtime traffic reporter for various stations. She currently works the late evening shift at KNX. Brooks . Foster: KHJ, 1962. Foster died December 21, 2001, of apparent heart trouble. BROOKS . John: KFWB . 1979-2009 KNX . 2009-13. After receiving six Golden Mike awards and reporting one breaking news story after another, John hung up his microphone in the spring of 2013. Brooks first started in radio while a student at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania, before moving to Southern California in 1970. 8220I was actually in school learning television production when radio chose me. One of my instructors was KVEN-Ventura8217s Ned Rogers . He told me of a job opening and since it paid about as little as the job I had with the Ojai School district, I took it,8221 recalled Brooks. He credits KVEN news director Rick Wallace for giving him needed training and instruction before Wallace left Ventura for KABC and KPOL. Brooks then moved up to Wallace8217s position at KVEN. 8220After I won a bunch of Golden Mikes, Don Schrack . the news director at KFWB asked me to join his team of wild and crazy men and women.8221 It8217s evident to his listeners that Brooks has a style all his own. 8220I always hoped to be a bit irreverent and crazy like Hunter Thompson, yet true to the facts and accurate as Walter Cronkite and CBS News. There should always be an element of entertainment in news when it is appropriate because people are choosing to listen to your station, but you can8217t cross the line into fantasy.8221 8220There8217s a hidden joke somewhere in Brooks8217 stories that you figure out about five seconds after his reports,8221 claimed Pete Demetriou . who shared his high praise for his longtime colleague at both KFWB and KNX. 8220The man is solid and is one of the most prepared journalists ever. He8217ll take everything thrown at him, yet sound so smooth on the air as if he8217d spent 15 minutes rehearsing his report.8221 Though it was hard to name one particular story that stands out, Brooks appreciates the opportunity to have covered NASA and the Space Program. 8220I was fortunate to cover many Space Shuttle flights and most of the science missions at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I will never forget the third Space Shuttle mission, the 1982 landing of Columbia at White Sands in New Mexico, when rain at Edwards Air Force Base forced a change in plans. Had to rush there and it8217s a very different place.8221 And like many veterans, Brooks remembers a few close calls as part of his job. 8220At KVEN I had to use the flat bottom of my Volkswagen rabbit mobile unit as a boat across the raging Santa Rosa creek. I have had to jump under a fire blanket as a fire storm crested the ridge during the Old Fire in 2003 and once a mobile unit was singed in another brush fire.8221 The business has evolved quite dramatically since Brooks started at KFWB in 1979. 8220Technically we have a whole new array of devices always with us, such as computers and smart phones to both research and send in reports, the ability to cover breaking news has never been better.8221 Yet Brooks still prefers some of the way things were once done. 8220The irony is that we have so little time to do the kind of quality stories we used to do with a pair of alligator clips and a pay phone. In days gone by I would spend days researching and interviewing for investigative reports, now we must do it faster. 8221 Brooks offered his advice to current and future broadcasters: 8220I have worked with so many great people and the fellowship of the news wheel lasts a long time. Be honest and try to tell stories filled with humanity, wonder, and excitement.8221 (Written by Alan Oda) Brooks . Monica: KPWR, 1987-89 KCMG, 1998-99. Monica worked mornings at WMZQ-Washington, DC. She went on to WASH as Lori Brooks. Brooks . Oscar: KPPC, 1981-82 KMPC, 1983-88 KMNY, 1988-89. Oscar works with the Department of Justice as an adjudications officer. Brown . B. Bailey: KDAY, 1970-72. B. Bailey died suddenly at his San Antonio home October 24, 2003. He was 57. Brown . Bill: KMPC, 1961-65 KHJ, 1965-74 KRTH, 1974. Bill has designed a custom weather service on the Internet that he is marketing. (Monica Brooks, Don Burns, and Steve Bisheff) BROWN . Thomas: KGIL . 1970-85 KJOI . 1989 KNX . 1973-98. Born Thomas Brown IV in 1938 in Evanston, Illinois, he attended the University of Washington and graduated from the University of Illinois in 1960 with a degree in journalism. After the Army, Tom worked at KCMO and WDAF-Kansas City, WHN and WNEW-New York and KNBR-San Francisco. At KGIL, he hosted the Thomas Brown Affair . Upon his arrive The LA Times radio columnist Don Page said of Tom: quotHes the biggest new star in the big town. Hes witty and has his own style. quot Tom Brown, a popular radio personality in San Francisco in the 1970s and early 80s, died in Los Angeles on January 10 after a brief illness. He was 67. BROWNE . Dr. Joy: KGIL . 2007. The longtime syndicated psychologist started on KGIL on October 29, 2007, and she was heard briefly during the short-lived Talk format. She died August 27, 2016, at the age of 71. Browne was born in New Orleans and graduated from Rice University. A graduate of Northeastern University in Boston with M. A. and Ph. D. in psychology. In the late 1970s she was heard on WITS-Boston with a program called Up Close and Personal . She was known for her quotone-year rulequot, which stated that people who have lost a spouse or partner due to break-up, death, or divorce should wait at a minimum one-year before resuming romantic relationships. Dr. Browne hosted a tv show on the Discovery Health cable channel in 2005 which was a live one-hour simulcast of her weekday show on WOR. She previously hosted a King World-Eyemark weekday syndicated tv advice talk show in 1999 for one year. She has written numerous books on life and dating. BROWNING . Bill: KRLA . 1971-72 KFI . 1974-75 KIIS . 1975-77 KOST . 1981-82. Bill was born in Northwest Kansas. 8220Two years before graduating from high school I started working at KXLK-Great Falls. Montana. as an announcer. 8221 In 1950 Bill joined KGB-San Diego followed by KCBQ when it was a CBS affiliate. He stayed in San Diego for 13 years working as pd at KFSD (now KOGO) as morning man and pd. When KGBfm was launched in 1959, Bill was its first pd. 8220We pretty much had the market to ourselves in those years and were operating in the black from day one.8221 KGB was sold and Bill was off to Las Vegas where he met his wife, Jean, and then to San Francisco and 7 years at KIOI beginning on the night shift then moving to morning drive. 8220Ron Robertson was the director of our fledgling news room.8221 Ron moved on to KFRC, then to KRLA as nd where he hired Bill to produce the community service program quotIn Sessionquot and to do documentaries. 8220Two months after arriving in 1971 my first documentary was aired, 8216Souvenir, Soldier.8217 It won the Golden Mike award in the Best Documentary category for 1971 also picking up an AP award and the Broadcast Media Award from San Francisco State University. Armed Forces Radio also carried it. In 1973 when KRLA went to an automated format I joined KFI where I won another documentary Golden Mike.8221 Before Bill left the Southland radio he worked at KIIS, both AM and FM and KOST as their first morning news anchor. In between he anchored the tv news in Honolulu. 8220In 1982 I was offered the 8216security8217 of a lifetime job at CBSTV Television City as a staff announcer. The security ended when Bill Paley stepped down leading to the mass firings of 1986. Several thousand were fired, something CBS had never done before and I got caught in the second round. I ended my years in broadcasting playing around at a couple stations in the Antelope Valley. I have to call it playing around, for what they paid it couldnt be considered work. In 1994 at age 64 I decided Id had enough of the changing fortunes of radio and retired.8221 Bill passed away April 10, 2003, while retired in Kansas City. He was 72. Browning . Chuck: KHJ, 1970 KGBS, 1972 KFI, 1980. Chuck died March 3, 1988. Browning . Reed: KABC, 1960-61. Unknown. B ruce . Jonny: KLFM, 1965 KFXM, 1967-70 KYMS, 1968 KWOW, 1970 KREL, 1971 KKAR, 1974-75 KROQ, 1976-77. Jonny spent 20 years at KDES-Palm Springs. Hes now program director at KZPO-Visalia. (Tony B, and James Brown) Bruce . Larry: KMET, 1974-75 and 1986. Larry is gm of Nova 969-Sydney, Radio Australia. Bruce . Tammy: KFI, 1995-98 KABC, 2003-09. Tammy worked swing and fill-in at KABC until the summer of 2009. She now hosts an Internet show on TalkStreamLive. BRUNDAGE . Hugh: KDAY . 1957-58 KMPC . 1965-72. Hugh is probably one of the least remembered personalities on Old Time Radio. He was a California native, born in 1909, who spent his entire broadcasting career in Los Angeles. He died in 1972, at the age of 63. After graduating from the University of Southern California in 1931, he tried to embark on a career in business, first dealing with the Signal Petroleum Company of Long Beach. At the time that oil company was toying around with the idea for a radio program based upon the Tarzan series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Burroughs happened to be in the corporate office when Hugh was applying for the job. The personnel manager said that positions that he was qualified for were already filled, in fact, they were actually laying off some of the junior executives and asking the senior ones to retire early. But Burroughs heard Hugh speak. quotYou know, son, you have a good speaking voice. How would you like a job in radio Well be working in L. A. starting in a couple of days. You dont even need to audition. Ill use the paperwork here to get you onto the station. quot So Burroughs gave Hugh the information of where to go. The radio station was KHJ. It was located next door to a Cadillac dealership owned by Don Lee, who was the Cadillac dealer for the entire West Coast. Hugh wore his best suit. It was the man he was going to interview at the Signal office in Long Beach who let him into the studio. quotNow, just so you know, Hugh, quot said Burroughts, quotlet me explain how radio works. I am the sponsor. I am actually in charge of the program. My company, Signal Petroleum, owns the Tarzan program. Its only 15 minutes and it will be playing only in states where they have Signal service stations. As far as oil companies go, were pretty small. They own the radio program so they can get more customers. KNX and Don Lee, along with CBS, only give us a place to put the show on. And, if someone goofs, they punish us. So we have to do a good show. quot Hugh was scared when he read the script. They let him go over it alone for about 45 minutes. Then they went on. There would be many more programs for Hugh, although he would rarely use his name while announcing. He did so well for Tarzan at KHJ they hired him for work at KNX, and KFIKECA (the two NBC stations were both owned by Earle C. Anthony). Occasionally, he would give his name, but that was so rare. His voice became the voice of Oscar as he was the announcer for the Academy Awards, no matter where they were held, and no matter if they were a banquet or a formal awards ceremony. After Academy Award show, Hugh continued as a staff announcer at KNX and for many CBS shows produced at Columbia Square. In 1957, he became the sole newsperson at radio station KDAY in Santa Monica. In 1965, Gene Autry had purchased radio station KMPC and TV station KTLA. He chose Hugh to be both stations news director. He was heard on KMPC during weekday afternoons and seen on KTLA at night. ( Much of Hugh8217s bio was provided by Know Old Time Radio website ) BRUNDIGE . Bill: KEZY . Chattanooga-born Bill Brundige, a member of the Southern California Sports Broadcasters Hall of Fame and a fixture on Southland radio and television stations for over three decades died in April 2004. He was 89. Born William Wenrich quotBillquot Brundige on February 2, 1915, he was in broadcasting for 40 years before retiring in 1975. Bill was the solid, no-frills sports broadcaster. He was the 8220color man8221 for Chick Hearn in the very first simulcast after the Lakers moved from Minneapolis. He started his broadcasting career in 1937 at WAVE-Louisville. During World War II, Bill was the West Coast sports director for Armed Forces Radio Services broadcasting to the Pacific Theater. He was discharged in 1946 and moved to Washington, DC, to broadcast for Mutual Broadcasting System. While in DC, he worked with Ted Husing on the 8220College Game of the Week8221 for Mutual. In the late 1940s, Bill broadcast sports for Yale, Princeton, Philadelphia Phillies, Detroit Lions, and the Chicago Cubs. In 1952 the Cubs sent him to Southern California to work at KHJChannel 9 to cover their Pacific Coast League affiliate, the Los Angeles Angels. In the same year he joined Bob Kelley on the LA Rams broadcast team until 1960. He covered sports for all the local tv stations. When Walter OMalley expressed an interest in bringing the Dodgers to Los Angeles, Bill hosted TVs quotDodger Talkquot in an effort to convince the community that the Dodgers should be invited to locate in L. A. and be headquartered in Chavez Ravine. In 1964 he founded 8220Bill Brundige Auto Glass,8221 which grew to a three-store chain. Bill claimed that with his company, people could see right through him. He retired from broadcasting in 1975 upon removal of his left lung. He spent decades hosting a sports report on KEZY, mostly from his home bedroom studio. Bruno . Jon: KBIG, 1998-2000 KPLS, 2001-03 KRTH, 2008-13. Jon broadcast news on several stations in the Southland, including K-EARTH. Bruno . Tony: KXTA, 2000-04 KMPC, 2005-07 KLAC, 2008-12. Tony joined evenings at KLAC in the fall of 2008 and left in early 2009 when KLAC and Fox Sports Radio merged. He returned for evenings during the summer of 2009. He left his Philadelphia sports station in June 2014. Hes now hosting a podcast. Bryan . Gary: KRTH, 2002-17. Gary started mornings at K-Earth on June 10, 2002. He is also the syndicated host with Dick Clark on Rewind .

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